Augustus Baldwin For CSD President!!!!! AB in 03!

Day 479, 13:14 Published in Canada Canada by Augustus Baldwin
Vote Augustus Baldwin for Canadian Social Democrats Party President in March 2009!

AB in 03! AB in 03!

Its that time again folks, time to elect the AB as your March 2009 CSD Party President! Now your probably asking, "Augustus, why here? Why now?". Well the answer is simple: I love the Canadian Social Democrats. I have always secretly wanted to be the President of the CSD, and do socially democratic things. Now, today, here, now, I am coming out of retirement to do just that! Its time we overthrow that tyrant Bruck and bring the CSD back to power in Canada!

My track record speaks for itself. I am a political plumber. I save formerly great parties from the electoral toilet and thrust them back into national prominence. Are you a CSD member? Do you wish your party could be great again? Do you want to see the CSD back in power? Do you want to see another CSD President in your lifetime? Are you as confident in Augustus's ability to pick winning candidates as he is? If you answered yes to all these questions, then you need me. AB in 03!

Who will be the CSD Presidential candidate of the future? Could it be you? The new CSD will run like a meritocracy. The best members will become its leaders, not the oldest. Those with skill and ambition could quickly rise from new boomer to Canada' highest office! All you need to do is vote for a brighter tomorrow for the CSD and Canada!

Say it with me now: AB in 03! AB in 03!

So tomorrow, when you go out to the polls, vote Augustus Baldwin for CSD President!!!

Why AB?

Why the hell not?!