Day 402, 16:33 Published in Brazil USA by Cavalcanti


Boa noite, prezados brasileiros,

Recentemente, a Romênia declarou guerra a Rússia. Nada de estranho, a Rússia é um país neutro e a Romênia é um país imperialista - assim como vários outros - da ATLANTIS.

O curioso de tudo isso é que os romenos apoiaram a guerra de independência de Moscow, quando a região originalmente russa pertencia à Noruega. E, agora, a Romênia ataca a região que ela ajudou separar-se da Noruega.

Uma estratégia que funcionou, para não atacar um aliado poderoso como a Noruega. O que mais chamou a atenção foi o posicionamento dos americanos (o qual eu dei ênfase, mas também é comum a outros países da ATLANTIS) quanto à Romênia. Confira o que foi postado no canal #US (canal oficial do eEUA) na rede de IRC

[19:49] (%William_Shafer) CJWillWin
[19:49] (%William_Shafer) Are you in Russia?
[19:49] (+cjwillwin) No I was planning on moving today
[19:49] (%William_Shafer) Move now
[19:50] (%William_Shafer) I'll give you the ticket
[19:50] (%William_Shafer) We have war here
[19:50] (%William_Shafer) With Romania
[19:50] (+cjwillwin) Ok. What region?
[19:50] (%William_Shafer) But no hospitals
[19:50] (%William_Shafer) Move to Western Siveria
[19:50] (+cjwillwin) ok
[19:51] (Your) f#k1n' Romanians
[19:51] (Your) I think it's time to launch the nukes on them
[19:52] (Your) Admin land is attacking Norway
[19:53] (Your) Norway getting help from Atlantis? Or should they go peace?
[19:53] (%Gurkvatten) Adminia
[19:54] (+Jewitt) I like Adminia
[19:54] (%Gurkvatten) Moscow doesn't count
[19:54] (%William_Shafer) Yes it does.
[19:55] (%William_Shafer) Moscow was Norway
[20:00] (%Gurkvatten) cjwillwin: War in sweden, Q5 hospital in Svealand (Região sueca)
[20:00] (Collins) Romania will have to start another Resistance War to link to other regions, by that time russia may have enough MPPs to stop them
[20:00] (%William_Shafer) Move to a romanian area with a Q5 Hospital and fight in the Resistance War in Siveria, CJ
[20:00] (%William_Shafer) Fight for the resistance in Siveria
[20:00] (+cjwillwin) Ok
[20:00] (%Gurkvatten) or that
[20:00] (%William_Shafer) Well
[20:00] (Your) William
[20:01] (Your) got a ticket for me?
[20:01] (%William_Shafer) Move to Svealand
[20:01] (Your) I can move to romania fight twice and heal then go back home 😛
[20:01] (%William_Shafer) but FIGHT for Siveria
[20:01] (Your) or Podolia
[20:01] (%William_Shafer) Ill give you one ticket
[20:01] (+cjwillwin) What is best for the cause for me to do?
[20:02] (%William_Shafer) Move to Svealand, fight in the RW, fighting for the resistance.
[20:02] (%William_Shafer) Its Siveria vs Romania
[20:05] (Your) Romania's Goal: Take over Russia and Norway regions that link to Russia then move to Pakistan perhaps after
[20:06] (Your) Atlantis Goal: Have an MPP with Romania
[20:06] (Your) Norway Goal: Don't lose regions to Romania
[20:06] (Your) Russia Goal: Defend Russia from Romanians
[20:06] (Your) Peace's Goal: Gain another PEACE nation by aiding Russia against the Romanians and take over Romanian land using the failed MPP system.
[20:21] (+Inwegen) romania broke Atlantis charter and must be jettisoned from the alliance
[20:24] (+whac) Russia joining ATLANTIS?
[20:25] (%Desertfalcon) I support Russia but there is not much we can do
[20:25] (%William_Shafer) We wanted to
[20:25] (Your) Russia was going to
[20:25] (Your) until Romania invaded Russia
[20:25] (Your) forcing it to go PEACE
[20:25] (+Inwegen) romania has been acting like a baby lately in the atlantis forum
[20:25] (+Inwegen) everyone else is sick of it
[2😇9] (+Inwegen) I don't want imperialists attempting to take over a nation that we could have a very beneficial alliance with
[20:40] (+Caparzo) Inwegen: We invaded France for no reason
[20:43] (Your) There u go
[20:43] (Your)
[20:44] (Your) Owned.
[20:44] (Your) Romania did a RW in Norway
[20:44] (Your) so Norway did a RW in Romania
[20:44] (+Jewitt) I like this 😛
[20:44] (+Jewitt) Yeah, only four hours in, but owned
[20:55] (+ErwinS) Did it really come as a surprise to anyone that Romania was going to do that?
[20:55] (&Benn) )All declarations of war by a member nation of ATLANTIS must beannounced to the alliance at least 48 hours prior to declaring the war.
[20:55] (&Benn) Yes erwin
[20:55] (+Inwegen) Romania is imperialist and not with the goals of ATLANTIS
[20:55] (Your) Benn, Romania is starting Resistance wars in Norway
[20:55] (Your) isnt that against the rules?
[20:55] (%Gurkvatten) good, somebody needs to shake up the alliances
[20:55] (+ErwinS) one of the largest countries in eRe and does not have resources
[20:55] (&Benn) You cant prove it
[20:55] (&Benn) So... no
[21:08] (+Cavalcanti) Does anybody know the contract signed between Russia and Norway?
[21:09] (&Benn) The bullshit one?
[21:09] (&Benn) The one that is invalid?
[21:09] (+Cavalcanti) Oh
[21:09] (&Benn) The one that says that they're in Atlantis? (lol)
[21:09] (+Cavalcanti) lol, what a joke

Todos os cidadãos citados acima são americanos. Exceto eu (?)

- Romenos iniciaram ante-ontem uma batalha de independência em Moscow, com o apoio de uma parte da população norueguesa.
- Com a região livre, pertencente à Rússia - e fazendo fronteira com a Ucrânia (dominada pela Romênia) -, a Romênia passou a ter fronteira com um país neutro (não mais Noruega) e atacou a região de Moscow.
- Em contrapartida, a Noruega iniciou uma guerra de resistência na Siveria, território originalmente ucraniano que está sob o domínio Romeno.

Vale lembrar que durante os ataques imperialistas da ATLANTIS contra Portugal, Itália e França, a Romênia teve uma participação ínfima. Agora, quando a Rússia está prestes a entrar na ATLANTIS, a Romênia inicia uma guerra contra a Rússia, forçando-a a entrar para PEACE para sempre, pelo visto.

Comentários dos americanos em seu canal de IRC:
[21:10] (+Collins) Thank romania for driving a country with a Real Life population of 140 million to PEACE forever
[21:10] (+Collins) Finland has 5 million and look what they did

Guerra de conflitos internos na ATLANTIS? Países considerados 'Potências' indo de encontro a ideais de aliados, motivados pela ganância? É o que parece.

A ATLANTIS iniciou essa Segunda Guerra Mundial com o propósito de derrotar a PEACE. Em meio a ganância, individualismo e desorganização, a ATLANTIS foi a maior prejudicada. A aliança que parecia ser mais poderosa do eMundo, está se esfacelando em meio a desnuião pelos seus países membros, motivada pela corrida em busca do Poder.

Viva PEACE! Avante!

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