Assasination Plot & More

Day 1,205, 01:08 Published in Japan Japan by Alfred Ball

Several days ago a dear friend was abducted by a mad woman named Sophia Forrester, with a crazed plan to have me, the leader of this great nation assasinated. She tried torturing him, and bribing him but he did not falter, for you see Dio was embedded in his heart and gave him the strength to hold on while our secret police moved in and rescued him.

Sadly this crazed individual was able to flee the scene, but mark my words she will be found and brought to justice. To address this new Loli threat to our nation I am moving our country into a state of emergency and I am requiring all Lolies to wear badge in public on the the outside of their uniform such as the one below:

This is mandatory option, all Lolies without this badge or proof of documentation that exempts them will be sent to Lolizanar Internment Camp. It is with a heart of great sorrow I must enact executive order 9066 for the safety of all the people in Nippon. While Sophia is still at large we do however have the infamous frog doctor, Hitoshi Makoto in custody for public indecency. He is being questioned on these ongoing events now. As we get more information you the people will know as well.

Now onto the international affairs we have signed an MPP with Bosnia and just in time too as Serbia has declared them their natural enemy. We will do all we can to support our new friends in Bosnia!

This is all that is happening as of late, besides getting a welfare program live and budgets for military branches and other ministries are being submitted to congress.

Dio bless all Japanese men and women in these trying times and help the heretics see your love and embrace it.

Remember to stop at our forums and register if your new and get involved!

Alfred Ball, President of Japan