ArtemIvanov for president

Day 682, 12:36 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by LSD Party Centre

Oktober 5 will be presidential elections. There are a lot of candidates. Out of the members of LSD there was no one that wanted to run against these candidates. So we choose one of the candidates of other parties.

LSD will support ArtemIvanov from ArtemIvanov for President for the presidency of our nation. That is not surprising because he was involved in LSD politics. But that is not the only reason. We think ArtemIvanov is very active, he follows closely what is happening on the political field of our nation and he is always critical to mistakes he sees. ArtemIvanov can be the one that can give back our nation that we can work together despite the different political views our citizens have.
This is what LSD think the best for our nation.

You can read here more about what ArtemIvanov wants.

For progress, decisiveness & unity, vote ArtemIvanov!