Arizona Needs You To Make the Right Choice

Day 674, 12:46 Published in USA USA by Franklin Delano Roosevelt

In just 11 hours from the time this article was publish Congressional elections will start. In that moment you will have the option to vote on the best candidate to represent Arizona, and work to improve our country. In the current State which our country is, it needs amble people to lead us in the right direction and not the curve one. Our Economy isn't in the best shape, and our state infrastructure are the wost in eHistory. As a fellow Citizen of this great country it saddens me to see our conditions, that why I have decided to run for congress for the term of Sep. 09. As a fellow congressmen I promise the eAmerican people and the those that reside in the Great State of Arizona that I will give it my 101% to work with the other congressmen to improve our condition's and push the country in it recovery era. Now one of the many issues that I will work with my colleges in Congress, are to....

-Improve our Education Department, the reason why I will put attention to this while in congress it because a well educated society will lead to a prosperous country.

-Join the Foreign Affairs Committee to help improve our relations with other country's including our enemy's in order to help stabilize our global economy. Because if you haven't notice that when a country is at war with us, any company that sells their products in the other country market will be restrained to sell anything which hurts the business that keep our economy running and provides jobs.

-Work with congress to enact a law that will get Arizona at least a q1 hospital and defense system, and later on work to get all the other states that have no hospital and defense system.

-I will also work with fellow business to help produce more jobs, the more jobs america has the stronger our economy will become.

-Represent the Residences of Arizona and make sure that the state is never left out of the loop.

- Work to remove wasteful spending on org and other activity's that are useless and not helping the country in any way.

-But above all, be one of those leaders that eAmerica currently needs, the leader that will help make a difference and get this country to make the progress we currently need.

But in order for me to fulfill all of this, I need your vote on the congressional elections. I need your support to help make a difference in this country and in Arizona. Remembered that eAmerica is counting on you to make the right choice. To vote for the right person that really cares about his country and the people he represents.

So vote for FDR on the elections, I'm looking forward for your support and eAmerica is counting on you, so don't let us down.

Endorsed by the USWP
Proud Citizen of the eUSA
Proud Residence of the Great State of Arizona