Ares989 running for TUP PP.

Day 478, 19:38 Published in United Kingdom North Korea by ares989

Its official. Im running for PP in the TUP. i have had enough experience within the TUP and other places to be highly qualified for the job. i was congressman twice in Wales, have a hard worker medal and i started the Welsh NHS. Well on to what i can offer The Unity Party.

Well, i would like to propose a publicity campaign to try and get more members, along with directing newer members to the UK forums. we would be putting an article out about every week, which would greatly enhance the rate at which new players joined our party.

i would also like to add more active TUP members into congress, that way not only would we have more active politicians, but the UK itself would benefit from this. I would like to stop the parliamentary whip scheme as i think this takes away voices in the House of Commons. (See private forums.)

I would also like to see the party focusing on getting us out of this economy crisis that we are in now. We have some great minds, so lets use them to get the UK back on track for the future.

The new constitution and manifesto have been writen and i do believe its time to enforce them. Now that our guidlines are set they should be followed.

i would also like to see a CP candidate fielded next month. We need to become more organized and on top of organization.

I believe for a better TUP and a better UK we need all of these things. The Unity party can become unified with just a little bit of work. Vote Ares989 for TUP PP.