Are scripts allowed?

Day 631, 07:53 Published in Romania Romania by Dulau

Admins should check out the script and players shouldn't use them ( only in the case where the scripts are not allowed ).

I tried this on a random market, and guess what, not only the 1st time, but also the 2nd and 3rd time with the same result:

the 2 scenarios trie😛

I. IRON MARKET [not a mandatory read, but a good intro]
1. i place 5 iron q2 at the price of 0.1 of the countries specific currency
2. i went in another tab, the one with the market and refreshed it several times
3. i observed the products, they were still there
4. the mathematical probability for another player who is online to be on that same specific page is too hard for me to calculate at this hour, but its 1 to a number with enough zeros
5. bought those products back
6. no specific notes here

II. GUN MARKET [a good read imo]
1. i place 1 gun q2 on the market at the price of 0.1 of the countries specific currency
2. i went in another tab, the one with the market and refreshed it several times
3. i observed the products were gone before my first refresh
4. the mathematical probability for another player who is online to be on that same specific page is too hard for me to calculate at this hour, but its 1 to a number with enough zeros
5. hmm, it seems fishy but anything may happen right?
6. i decided to try again some time later
7. tried again, the same thing happened
8. this is certainly a script, a decent script that makes a player or a group of players ahead of the rest

in case scripts are allowed, the algorithms and mechanics for such scripts are not that difficult to make, but they are difficult to spot sometimes and for sure they can ruin the game for some players, especially for those who base there economy on the market by buying low and selling high, with such a script no good offers can be obtained by the usual citizen

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