Archmage2 Run for Congress

Day 703, 18:43 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by WC Holdings

hello I'm archmage2 as you have probably already guessed i run Wc Holdings and all the companies it controls and because of this i am using it's newspaper to show this message, instead of wasting 2 gold on another one. I'm writing so that all the new players too our wonderfully eUnion (well whats left of it) know who I am and so that some of you will hopefully vote from me in the congress election which are not too far away.

i have been playing this game for well over 11 months now, 8 of more of which i have been in eMalaysia and throughout this time i have built a knowledge of the inner workings of this game, I have been in congress 5 times and have collected 6 hard worker metals which shows that I am active and know what is happening in our community at the moment (if you search archmage you will find my old account which got banned from multi-accounting, which was not me but they banned me anyway). I specialize in business and monetary market affairs of which I have had a lot of experience in with running 3 profitable companies for over 9 months and putting offers in the monetary market for over 10 months.

I am very active and will be online nearly everyday between 23:00 and 5:00 erepublik time, you probably don't see me very much, but i am active on the IRC and i look at all the articles that are posted on the old forums.

So please vote for me in the upcoming elections, I'm running in the party DAP, in the region Sabah.
