April 2011 POTUS endorsement

Day 1,230, 13:37 Published in USA USA by United Independents Party

by Jason Welsh

The UIP endorsement

The UIP would like to announce that Emerick has won the UIP’s endorsment for POTUS!

> Emerick has won the UIP’s endorsment with 15 votes.
> Pfeiffer has come in second with 5 votes.
> Third place was Laxsnor with 3 votes.
> Fourth place was Lefty From Mulberry Street with 2 votes.
> Fifth place was Professor Oak with 1 vote.
> Sixth place was George Pumpkinette with 0 votes.


Emerick is a good choice to be President of this country, and we’d like to wish him luck in the elections. We also send our best wishes to the other POTUS canidates that are running. May the best man win.

Finally, we would encourage everyone to vote on Tuesday, April the 5th, in the POTUS election. Even if you don’t vote for Emerick, just vote! It’s a great way to serve your country.