APF = Rinse and Repeat

Day 931, 14:00 Published in USA USA by Walter Joseph Kovacs

As most know the phrase "Rinse and Repeat" implies the repetitive use of a set of instructions to reach a goal. The American Progressive Front continues to preach ideas, without implementation, never leaving this cycle. Whether it is retention, mobile voting, player outreach, gifting program, or our educational program, most topics are talked about, and few reformed. For this reason I hereby announce my candidacy for Party President of the American Progressive Front

Our Current Problems:

Mobile Voting:

This is probably the issue that needs the heaviest restructuring. Our party is over 1500 people, and therefore we need to set the standard for active deployments to prevent PTO abroad and in the eUS. Every available mobile voter will have a sheet MMed to them, asking them to sign up and help our allies. The militia, which I currently lead, is also reforming to become a mobile voting force. I promise to work with others, including Krems to form such a group.

Mentorship, Gifting, and Food programs:

The APF treasury currently owns both a food and gift company. We need to restructure our organization to become more like Meals on Wheels and the Welcoming Committee. Meals on Wheels provided free food to newer players, and the Welcoming Committee provided mentorship. Gifting will help our new members even more 😃 Sunny is working on a similar idea.
Each member less than 2 months old will be MMed with a sign up sheet for these programs, with a personal message. The militia will help with mentoring.

Retention and Recruitment:

The most important thing for any party is membership. We need to keep the top spot.
Players keep leaving he party due to frustration, and our structure.
So far Sunnygyrl315, recently appointed, is doing a fantastic job restructuring the department.

Working with other parties:

One problem we have been slammed with is our inability to work with other parties. During the ATO of the Republican Party, every party was asked to send mobile voters to aid in the effort. While I understand the rationale for our decision to not get involved at the time, ATO of our party, our willingness to comply did not materialize.
However I do think other parties want to work with us. I know Kazeal, former PP of the United Independents Party, and Krems from SEES (whom i have worked with before), and plan on working with both in the future.
Not to mention I will strengthen relations with the Feds (our current President's party), and US Trade and Military Alliance (Dennis McVicker).


We need to elect members that support the broader values and goals of America. Does this mean that we should accept UIP or SEES candidate into our ranks, if they reflect values we believe in? The answer is yes. However all candidates will be subjected to a thorough background check \o/

It is the responsibility of the party president in coordinating with other PP's to prevent Political Take Over. This is extremely important with the threat of PTO from within the country. While this might seem like a joke to some, the reality is that it is possible. Recently SEES and the other top 3 other top 5 parties fought to unseat Pizza the Hut. Each member of Congress can approve 25 citizenship requests. Therefore electing even 2 Congressmen can lead to 50 votes toward the election of more Congressmen (cycle continues).

The militia is one of the best run organizations in our party, and I am not just saying that because I run it. We have active, daily discussion of issues, open enrollment for any APF member, consistent distribution of weapons, voluntary workers, and very active forum and IRC members.
Currently reform is continuing in the militia to make it more solvent, with the help of our COS Lexluthor1, something I encourage and look forward to.

My Qualifications:

Current Militia General APF (2 months now) (only full board member running)
Current BOSS Southern Europe
Former USWP PP (I was in charge during our transfer to the APF, helping shape the party)
Current Lieutenant (commander of the 501st legion) in Seal Team 7
Former Lieutenant in Seal Team 6
Former eUS Congressman 2x (USWP)
Former Ambassador from eUS to the Czech Republic
Former eUS military officer
Former Undersecretary from the eUS to EDEN

So sign up on our forum and vote here tomorrow for Walter Joseph Kovacs!
And don't forget to vote on the 15th as well.