Announcing the formation of ISIS

Day 876, 13:21 Published in USA Australia by Aeros

Well, I had expected to wait for responses to my previous article discussing the need for an integrated Intelligence Service that crosses national boundaries. The responses I got however were immediate, numerous and positive. In fact, people have already come out of the wood work to share some really interesting data. With that in mind, I think its time I got the ball rolling on this. In order to maximize readers of the announcement, I am once again publishing in the USA.


Simply put, ISIS is to be a central clearing house for intelligence information collected throughout eRepublik. Its primary mission shall be the processing and dissemination of intelligence on the Phoenix Alliance. With that in mind, the loyalty of ISIS will be internationally focused rather then on any one particular country. This is a very important facet of the plan for ISIS, since many countries simply do not have the population or pool of talent necessary to develop a robust intelligence service. These smaller countries shall be a major focus of ISIS operational support.

The focus of our operation itself will be less in line with espionage. Rather, the goal will be to provide a core analysis center of information obtained through multiple sources. This of course, is not to say ISIS will not try to cultivate undercover espionage capability eventually. Spies are valuable tools that need to be exploited when necessary.

The service ISIS will provide to the eWorld will be in the form of finished intelligence analysis products that will be provided to Presidents and Military commanders of various nations. Barring any major events that may require more immediate reports, ISIS Agents will collaborate to put together a weekly report that will be distributed to countries that are principally engaged in conflict with the Phoenix Alliance and its subsidiaries. That said, ISIS will not necessarily be a service exclusive to EDEN, but shall encompass any country that may need to know of the latest movements directed against them, be they Bro, EDEN, Sol, or even Entente (though for now, they are very pro phoenix). Naturally information will still be tightly controlled, and not all countries will receive the same finished products. What information is released will be based on operational need to know.


Does the above interest you? If it does, then by all means take a look at the jobs ISIS intends to offer right away. The primary focus for start up will be the creation of the Analysis and Dissemination portion of our operations, so no effort will be made to establish field operatives. If however, you are an individual already privy to sensitive information and wish to share said data, we will be happy to bring you on board as a source.

Country Specific Analysts

These Analysts will be dedicated to observing the operations of a particular country, encompassing all source collection of financial, media and military activities. The end goal is to have each country in the Phoenix Alliance with a dedicated Analyst or team of Analysts that know the country inside and out.

Country Specific Analysts will either do the entire collection work for a particular country, or in the case of a team, be broken down as follows.

Financial Analysts

These types of Analysts we are interested in hiring are ones familiar with eRepubliks international banking and economic systems. Their task will be to observe the flow of money around the world in order to make intelligence products and future predictions based on it.

Military Analysts

These Analysts are people who are very familiar with the capabilities of the war module, and also make it a point to understand the various tactics employed by target nations with regards to their strategic and tactical maneuvers.

Media Analysts

Exactly what it sounds like, Media Analysts will monitor the newspaper postings in various countries. In addition, Media Analysts will need to be familiar with how to use discussion forums and IRC.

Political Analysts

Political Analysts will know the primary personalities involved with a particular country inside and out. What is going on in the countries politics of note? Who will their next leaders be? What can be determined will happen if certain people take power? Political Analysts will have the trickiest job, because they will be the ones who make the mind of our enemy their principle study.


Finally, the biggest thing I wish to gain. Do you speak a language other then English? Google translate is good, but so much gets lost in its lame translation. Anyone with foreign language knowledge, particularly languages spoken by large Phoenix countries will be greatly desired by ISIS.

Operational Analysts

Simply put, these Analysts will be the hub of the wheel. They will get to see the entire ISIS Report and all the information coming in from the other Analysts or Analysis Teams (who will not see the entire product).These Analysts will be in charge of one of the 5 principle Analysis jobs above, and will be the final quality control expert for the information produced. Due to the sensitive nature of this job, I will only accept Applications from people I trust. As things get rolling and we have better counter-intelligence capability we will be able to get more liberal in who becomes an operational analyst, and less reliant on my own personal opinion.

It is possible to work more then one job, or even more then one country if you like.


My end goal is too have enough people working things that the time needed to collect and analyze data is minimal. The biggest job should have to be for the Operational Analysts in the creation of the weekly ISIS report and the vetting of finished products produced by the various operational cells. Since this is to be an international effort, it is my hope that more then just English speakers ultimately end up on the ISIS team, though I can understand that it may take awhile to branch out. The actual individual work should be small, and usually amount to passing on information to the operational cell with the collecting cells analysis of the data. Once fully established, ISIS will be able to actively provide immediate and effective Intelligence support to the national governments of the eWorld, covering all facets of eRepublik strife, from potential PTO threats to invasion.

Still interested? Contact this organization.

Please be patient, as I will have to sort through many people. ISIS will hold its first joint IRC conference this Saturday, so include times when you can be present online.