Announcing S.E.E.S.'s First Kongressional Candidates

Day 854, 17:22 Published in USA USA by S.E.E.S

This is S.E.E.S.'s first official congressional run, and we are going into it with big expectations. We are running a whopping twelve candidates from our party alone, which is more than all of the other 6th parties combined. This is truly a testament to our superior activity and membership. We are proud of every single one of our candidates and wish them all good luck in their coming elections. We will do everything that we can to ensure that they win their elections, but we are up against major congressional powers, and thinking that they will all win would be foolish. However, if every member of our party follows their individual instructions, then this dream may just become a reality.

Bloc Members, do as your Bloc Leader instructs, and if you can be online late, then please do so. For the Father Party

And now, I present to you, in alphabetical order of states, S.E.E.S.'s first congressional run:

Alabama - Raepdog
Raepdog is a true bro in the strictest sense of the word, and has shined into all of our hearts since the day he came down upon us. A true visionary, we hope that Raepdog succeeds in making Raepdog a household name.

Eastern Thailand - Alloordean
One of those cool guys who have a sub without having articles, a true testament to how cool he is. He is running under the DemocraticRepublicans (tldr; DemReps) and we wish him luck.

Jiangxi - St Krems
While nobody likes Krems, he is a valuable asset to our party and to our country, so we can't really stop him from running or he'll get pissy and leave. Also, he's served on several White House staffs and has been in congress before. I guess he's kind of cool, but he's also really weak, so we beat him up anyways.

New Hampshire - Shrinweck
Shrinweck is 12 and what is this.

New Mexico - Chisholm
Chisholm is a bear, a bro, and a former president of Peru. He's one of those people that, when you vote for him, he either kills you instantly, or makes vicious love to you. Either way, the result is a wonderful, bloody, mess.

Rhode Island - Anaros
Anaros is an intelligent member of the community, and we're not really sure why he's in S.E.E.S., but we won't turn him down. An employee of T'Jelle Bank, Anaros has an economic prowess and a love for techie things. He will be a great addition to congress.

Southern Thailand - MJ Storm
A hallucinogenic being made of liquid PCP. GODSPEED

Tennessee - Necrosis
Necrosis has had two accounts, and has never won a single election in any of them. Although he's our favorite Brit, we could all care less whether or not he wins this election, and we're already bored of talking about him so let's move on.

Tibet - Julian of Albanopolis
Julian is Albanian in real life, and has spent his time in eRepublik in the military before deciding to break into politics. He as a good head on his shoulders, and we wish him good luck in his run for congress.

Washington - Heyshutup
Heyshutup is reletively unknown in the eRepublik Game, but we hope to change all that. The kid, while he does not care for honkeys too much(much to our chagrin), he does show a good amount of knowledge and character, and we cannot hate on a brother for that. or can we

Wyoming - Candor
Candor is a good soldier who taking loves orders and smoking pipes. He promises to always vote the direction Our Great Leader Emerick requests, and we can't blame a guy for taking that stance. or can we

We'd also like to thank the Federalist Party for being so kind and letting us run nine of our candidates in their party, and the Democratic Republicans for allowing us to run two of our party members. The other parties, however, were not as kind. You know who you are.

So in conclusion, I love you all.
The end....................................?