Announcing My Candidacy for Party President of AAP

Day 717, 12:43 Published in USA USA by Emmanuel Cruise

Hello fellow AAP members! I am Emmanuel Cruise and I am announcing my run for Party President for November 09 for America’s Advancement Party.

Who I am:

Some of you may know me already and some of you may not, for those of you who do not know me, I am the current eUS Congressman representing the AAP and Utah, the former ambassador for eDenmark, a current member of the AAP round table (AAP leadership) and the current Chairman and Founder of the Congressional Election Committee of AAP. I have helped a lot with AAP happenings and congressional and POTUS primaries and elections. If you have any more questions regarding my experience you can feel free to message me, or await my next article which will further explain my ideas and include my endorsements by experienced members of the eUSA government and AAP.

I have also been an active member of the irc chatroom for the AAP (as well as making the new AAP logo 😉 ). I strongly encourage all of you to check out our new forum and the chatroom, #aap_party on the rizon server. We have a lot of fun. Parties are about communities, and communities are only strong if they can communicate with each other constantly.

What am I planning on doing?

If I am elected Party President I am going to reform the organization of our party. We are the biggest party in the eWorld, it is about time we started acting like it.

My first step as Party President if elected is to implement a Committee Party Structure. Our party is unorganized at the moment. As the largest party in the eUSA, I feel like we should be constantly working on something and accomplishing goals. The AAP needs to harness our position to influence the eUSA and even foreign countries. Our vision has been too limited to the potential we have, and I want to make sure that everyone's talents are harnessed to make our party not only the biggest but the most fit party in the world.

For the structure of the AAP Leadership, I have plans to make a committee style system. This way we can get more people involved and more things done by involving not just a few key leaders but an effective team of people. I know better to believe a party can be run by one man alone. The problem I see with the current system is the assignments for who is to do what are vague, and the use of committee's will help guide our leadership's pursuits in certain cohesive directions. My plans for the Committee Party Structure I will release in an article in a few days along with my experienced members of eUSA endorsements. So hold out and keep on the look out for that. If you're interested in joining the leadership team in the coming month, let me know so that I can keep you in mind if and when I implement this plan.

One thing that has already started is the I have already started a small part of my Committee Party Structure plan called the “Congressional Election Committee”. This committee will help our party get the strongest and best candidates out of our party and into congressional seats. We are currently working and actively pursuing the goal of quality candidates to represent the AAP in congress. If you wish to sign up to run this coming month check out our new forums and while you do, take a look here at the sign ups for congressional elections.,35.0.html

Along with my plan to re-organize the AAP, I'd like to see our party working together with other parties (through Ambassadorships 😉 await the article with the committee structure idea) and building our reputation now only in our country, but other countries and other parties. This will require the help of every party member getting to know people in other parties, as the biggest party in the eUSA we should be on the forefront of other party relationships.

While there are many empty leadership positions that I will need filling, one notable position I am happy to say is filled is Senior Advisor. Aren Perry, former AAP President, will be my Senior Advisor. Simply, this means that Aren will be working with me to make sure our party makes the right decisions and moves for our future. While I will be ultimately making the decisions alongside of everyone else in our leadership team, Aren will simply be there to bring the experience of being a three term Party President's veteran leadership at my side.

However, I do not just want to talk about what I want to change in the AAP. There are some things I want to keep the same way. We have done a wonderful job at keeping the number of congressman from the AAP high. While I currently am trying to make sure that those that we endorse are more vetted candidates through the CEC, without a doubt this is a high point within the AAP. Also, our rate of growth has been phenomenal even as of recent. I hope to continue, even advance, the rate at which we recruit members to our proud party.

Another thing I do not wish to change is some of the wonderful people we already have in leadership. Many people that I talk to on a regular basis are great assets, I feel, to our party. What I do want to change is the amount of freedom they have to work on behalf of the party so that we can get some real work done. I'm looking forward to finding more undiscovered talent within the AAP and shaping our members into world leaders. That's what a party is supposed to do, empower its members for their futures. In return, those members will end up doing the same for us.

Why am I running for Party President?

I feel as if the members of this party have no voice in the movement of this party. Sure they get messages from time to time, but I have gotten countless messages asking to be included in places. It doesn't mean anything unless I am actually being involved in decisions and real operations that are important to our party. Messages are very important, but a message itself does not mean that everyone is automatically included within the community of the party. This party is the America's Advancement Party, and that is effectively our very mission statement. I feel that our current organizational structure inhibits us from truly making a positive impact that we could be having right now. I want us to really Advance America.

I will create more real jobs within the party to include more people in the serious business of the AAP. Even if you don't want to work in the party, I'm going to try to let your opinion be heard in as many ways as possible. This means contact through messages, forum announcements, and increased newspaper activity (by the way, if you haven't, subscribe to our newspaper here A big party such as ours has plenty of room for people to be involved in it, and I want to make those opportunities available to YOU. I will be sure that it is, my message box is always open and I will always attempt to answer your questions in a timely fashion. I will also be setting up a “Party Presidents Office” in the forums where you can post and yell and laugh at me all you want in there and I will be sure to respond.

Also, I am open to any ideas that anyone else may have. It takes more than one person to run a party, so I need the help of every single member of the AAP to ensure that we're a well oiled machine.

AAP Brethren! Together, we can have everyone's voice heard and combined into a giant shout that will truly Advance America!

Vote Emmanuel Cruise on November 15th!

Emmanuel Cruise 🙂