Announcement of my Candidacy

Day 1,877, 15:35 Published in United Kingdom Netherlands by lancer450

Fellow eBritons, fellow UKPP’ers and congress members, friends,

During my time in eRepublik, I spent much of my eLife in eAustralia. While there, I served countless times in the Senate (Congress), as Deputy Speaker, as Prime Minister of eAustralia, and as Party President of the largest political party in the country. Since coming to the eUK, I have had the opportunity to represent my fellow party members and the people of the eUK in Congress and have enjoyed it immensely. Though these jobs aren’t necessarily the easiest, I still have the will to serve. In short, I am announcing my candidacy for Party President of the UKPP.

As Party President, I will make it my goal to increase recruitment and retention within our party and endeavour to maintain our current position amongst the top five parties. When it comes to congressional elections, I will create a system I believe is the fairest and most reasonable of all. Congressional elections will be run along these lines: veteran congress member > new congress member > veteran congress member > new congress member > etc. Once again, activity will be a determining factor for those who wish to be in Congress. This way we have both experienced and new players in at all times as long as we always win at least 2 seats, which obviously isn’t difficult given our numbers. As for Country President elections, I will use the same system that has been used since I joined the UKPP. Either I will or my Vice Party President will message each and every member of the party with a list of candidates from our party and across all the other parties and will have our members directly choose who receives the support of our party.

Another goal of mine is to work more and cooperate with other parties such as New Era, One Vision, the Workers’ Rights Party, the PCP, etc. As most have seen these past couple of months, this divide between essentially two halves of our country has continued to grow. Because I consider myself to be a very open-minded and independent thinker, I would like to see my term as Party President as one where the UKPP is not a major contributing factor to the divide. In fact, I would like to see some sort of bridge between the two sides. This may not be a popular view to hold if you’re running for Party President because it is a rather partisan job I am vying for. However, I refuse to put on a face and pretend to be something I’m not. It’s a rather simple saying: “United we stand, divide we fall.” As Party President, I would encourage healthy, vigourous debate. Less ad hominem, more reasoning. As not to get too preachy, I’ll cut this bit short.

Finally, if elected Party President, I will actually employ the different positions available within the party. The UKPP will have an official spokesman that will release articles periodically with party-related news. That is why we have the position after all. And, the Secretary General will be put in charge of recruitment and retention efforts. This is an important one. I want to not only grow the party, but I want to retain the current members of the party. I want to help them develop as players. I want to make sure that those who wish to get involved in government have the basic knowledge required to perform their duties correctly and efficiently.

The UKPP is a party filled with a vast amount of potential and many wonderful people. Though our membership has steadily begun to decrease these past couple of weeks, I have the hope that we will see growth once more. Our party needs a boost and I hope to have the opportunity to provide that boost. Thus, I humbly ask for your vote on the 15th of January. Please vote for me, lancer450, for Party President of the UKPP!

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