Announcement from the President of Sweden (regarding Kurzeme)

Day 1,199, 14:13 Published in Latvia Norway by Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Greetings, neighbors of Latvia.

Yesterday, several Swedish soldiers fought in your training war against Estonia. This was due to a diplomatic mistake where our chain of command was temporarily broken due to me being away.

We have no intentions of fighting a war against Latvia. You've been close to EDEN for some time now and we would like to treat you as a reliable neighbor. In fact, we have no intentions of warring Estonia either. The reason why some Swedes wanted Estonia to win the battle of Kurzeme was simply because of what took place a few weeks ago during our war against Lithuania.

As you may recall, Estonia was allowed to pass through Latvia and declare war against one of our core regions at the same time as resistance wars were started in two of our colonies. It was a stupid move that caused a lot of our soldiers to cry out for revenge against our common neighbor. If Estonia won Kurzeme, they would have a border against us and that would give our soldiers an opportunity of giving back the favor.

The only problem with that idea is that, well, we don't actually want to start a war against Estonia.

We're currently involved in a training war with Lithuania. This war serves a great purpose: it activates the soldiers of both countries and every citizen in the union between Sweden and Denmark as well as Lithuania can enjoy a 10% boost to their daily training exercise. You have decided to go for a similar solution in your training war against Estonia.

Hopefully, you've noticed that some of our tanks have been fighting on your side to compensate for the rounds that were lost because of our interference. Misho recently did >100k damage to "make amends"

In a world where nothing is certain, we need to achieve stability in our region. I believe this to be possible, simply because Sweden has nothing to gain from attacking Estonia nor Latvia other than getting a lot of bad will. Whether or not you want to fight a war against eachother is completely up to you.

You will see no more of us in your training wars and I sincerely hope that we may put this foolishness behind us and move on, admitting that mistakes have been made and that we would benefit from having a more direct diplomatic approach in the future.

Yours truly,

President of Sweden
High-commander of Homonavia