AngryMobMan For Re-Election!

Day 901, 06:51 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

Hello eCanada

Well, as you should know, I've been party president for a month now. Of course, that being said, I think I could of done a hack of a lot better job than what I have already done, because there were so many things left unfinished (The main reason why I could never get anything done, was ********, and him forcing me to make a new forums for us, and refusing me even Admin access on the other forums. Further, I could not get IRC up and running because of ******** as well). (Name blanked out for privacy reasons). Yes, Caesar00, I blanked out your name for you 🙂

But basically, now we have our new foundations running, our new forums, and we have members starting to come in (we only have 16 members in here right now, which is simply 10% of our in-game membership. I hope to see that jump to around 50% by the end of next month, if not MORE). Of course, this can not be done without any of your support!

Further, we are starting to get our embassies up and running, which is great too. Hopefully we can get most or all of them going by the end of this term, and eventually next term as well, if I am re-elected! So basically, we are starting to re-connect to the political world!

I would like to conclude by saying that although I have been partially negative in my first paragraph there, I do wish to touch on some very good points right now.
-We first got FIVE members in congress, a great number, as that put us in fourth overall, in terms of numbers, great work!
-I would also like to say thank you to everyone that is currently on the forums, and everyone who is attempting to make it better
-We have also started to get more activity! Twice as many people are in our NEW forums, compared to Caesar00's OLD forums!
-The Paradoxian Guard is getting DAILY orders now! \o/

So please, eCanada, put your faith in me, 00AngryMobMan00, again and you will NOT be sorry!
J'espère que vous allez voter pour moi le 15 mai prochain

Cheers Everyone!

All the Best,
Current CPP Party President


#CPP on


AngryMobMan Leads The CPP From The Dark, In To The Light

(P.S. Happy Mothers Day to all you Mothers out there)