And So It Goes

Day 1,331, 23:09 Published in USA Ireland by Flying Trotsky

Again comrades, your time is precious, I'll skip the formalities and idle pleasantries and jump right into the war analysis.

The Pink Menace rushed right into Canada and it appears they'll be rushing out just as quickly. A vicious resistance on the part of our Canadian comrades has already taken back much of central Canada, and British Colombia (that's in the west, in case you don't know) looks like it will be returning to the open arms of our eerily friendly neighbors.

As always, this means that (1) Poland is too busy getting kicked to harass America, and (2) Canadian victories mean buffer zones between us and the Pink Menace.

It should be noted that, punishing them for their recent act of resistance, the Polish have finally wiped out the last French territory.

There's a joke in there somewhere.

Anyways, while that's disheartening, we can take comfort in the fact that Germany is again trying to split the Polish Empire with a strategic RW in Saxony. The Germans are getting schooled by the Polish (is that irony or poetic justice?), but it's a distraction for the Pinks nonetheless.

Spain, while not actively trying to take back any of North America, isn't letting go of what it has either. RWs in Virginia haven't done much to daunt the Spanish.

Perhaps the source of Spain's distraction arises from South America, where, in spite of the repeated efforts of the Spanish, the Brazilians are revolting again. And seriously, what does Spain expect? Brazilians are psychotic- they do things to themselves more painful than anything the Spanish can do.

Yeah, that's a waxing joke.

The Hungarians haven't shown any signs of new aggression in America- probably because they know it's only a matter of time before they and their allies are forced out. As much as I hate empires, I have to say, I'm kinda proud of Hungary. Back when the invasion began, Hungary didn't have much of anything, and its holdings in Europe were (and still are) paltry, at best. But they've been playing this whole thing very smart- now, as their once-all-mighty allies are in disarray, little Hungary is still standing strong, and even expanding into the Pacific Rim (though our Japanese comrades are pushing the Hungarians out).

So from an ethical viewpoint, screw Hungary. From a strategic viewpoint, good for them.

Ah, Indonesia. If current battles continue to go well, the once mighty Indonesia will have a single occupied state left in America, and elsewhere, resistances are popping up. Australia briefly mounted a liberation attempt for Victoria, and our Filipino comrades continue to take back their homeland, one island at a time. As I've said before, Indonesia needs to cut its losses and run.

I haven't mentioned America before, because I believed on might be able to deduce the correct strategy for our struggle from an analysis of our enemies' position. I figure- screw that, I'm gonna advocate my strategy anyways.

What we need to do is this: once we've finished taking back the West Coast, we must attempt to unite our free states in the Midwest with our free states along the Pacific. We hit Wyoming, and while we're at it, take back Montana and North Dakota.

This is where things get tricky- do we try to take on the Hungarians in the South? Or do we try to liberate New England?

It really depends on how successful our Canadian comrades are. If they can take back Ontario, then we should go for New York- we win there, we split apart the Polish holdings in the east.

However, if our Canadian friends aren't lucky, we should focus on the South. It's a longer and tougher set of campaigns, and there's no single right route to take- so long as we liberate Texas. Taking back Texas give us oil and lets us liberate one of the most heavily populated states in the union.

So comrades, as always, long live a Free America, and long live a Free World!