And now for Something Completely Different. . .

Day 602, 14:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by Conor Forde

So Im deciding to make a few articles for now documenting the battles of the new World War as it has implications for us all and some may not know where things are happening. Even some people on the IRC people seem to be a little slow off the mark. Its like michael jackson all over again where even a few hours can make something old news. For that i shall continually update this article as things change.

So here is what has happened so far:


France have Invaded Nova Scotia in Canada sucessfully. And by a landslide. I watched it personally and in the space of three minutes with forty minutes to go, the battle went from -20K to France to -100K to France. if this is any indication of things to come PEACE seem to be quite organised.

Soon after they began to invade Prince Edward Island which is currently underway and looks to be another sucessful invasion unless the tide changes dramatically


On the American front, Russian have began to invade Alaskabut it appears that eUSA have pulled back and allowed them to procede to fortify the main part of the country as a whole but still some people have remained to fight.

Trouble could also be on the horizon for eUSA as Indonesia have recently captured Kyushu in what appears to be a similar strategy towhat Hungary did with Scotland. This leaves Indonesia on the border with America which could spell trouble for Hawaii, so watch this space.


On a note closer to home, Hungary seem to be (so far) keeping within the rules of their contract with eUK of their training war as they have not used Scotland as a beachhead so far. This does not meen they are fighting under other countries but i do not have the full details so far on this but it seems probable.

My (pretty much useless) Opinion

To be honest we are very near to the action and in these times of danger we as a nation in my opinion should try to remain neutral while keeping diplomatic relations with both sides of the war warm. To pick a side is to declare the oposite side the enemy when we as a country are neither key or stategic to the fight as a whole tbh. I meen this in the fact we have no major natural resources and there is more than one way to the heart of eUSA.

I believe the choice to join either Fortis or PEACE should be postponed by our leaders until international relations are calm again and the world map is settled in our neck of the woods. 🙂

One last final note: Yesum i know there are news updates but not all are relevant to us right now and i was bored so i decided to write this review of the situation for the hell of it.