Analysis of International CP Voter Turnout

Day 747, 04:06 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

Due to a bout of insomnia, I decided to take it upon myself to gather the figures for voter turnout internationally in the country president elections yesterday.

Why might those numbers be important? While it might seem obvious what the population of a nation is by just looking at the society page of a nation, that number is very much skewed towards an over-estimation of the active population. By doing an analysis of the voting population, we gain a better understanding of how many players are actually active in each nation.

The entire results of the election turnout can be found here:

I unfortunately could not post them in this article due to technical issues (it looked terrible every way I tried)

Here are some summarized findings:

The eUSA

Because I'm sure that's what most of my subscribers want to hear about the most 😃
Total Voters: 4,460
Increase in voters: -125
% increase in voters: -3%
Voter Turnout: 21%

Low voter turnout and a slight loss of population. This is likely attributable to a small "bust" from our world war 3 induced babyboom.


Total Voters: 58,994
Increase in voters: 2,621
% increase in voters: 5%
Voter Turnout: 25%


Total Voters: 22,670
Increase in voters: 1,575
% increase in voters: 7%
Voter Turnout: 25%

Total Voters: 24,117
Increase in voters: 2621
% increase in voters: 5%
Voter Turnout: 24%

Total Voters: 2.468
Increase in voters: 177
% increase in voters: 8%
Voter Turnout: 23%

Total Voters: 4.644
Increase in voters: -201
% increase in voters: -4%
Voter Turnout: 19%

Note that Phoenix appears to be slightly ahead of EDEN in terms of population, but that EDENs population grew faster.

Also, the ALA nations had remarkably low voter turnout and actually had a decrease in population of 4% in the last month.

Countries Rankings

Top 5 Voter Turnout (😵:

1. Belgium: 66%
2. Moldava: 61%
3. North Korea: 59%
4. France: 54%
5. Peru: 52%

As can be expected, many of those nations are the victims of PTO efforts

Bottom 5 voter turnout (😵:

1. Brazil: 10%
2. Bolivia: 14%
3. Greece: 15%
4. Indonesia: 16%
5. Australia: 18%

voter turnouts this low probably signify dying populations, or like in the case of Brazil, massive baby booms.

Top 5 increases in voters:

1. Serbia: 955
2. Croatia: 917
3. Spain: 574
4. Slovenia: 326
5. Polan😛 287

Notice that all 5 of these nations have participated in aggressive campaigns in the past month. It very much appears to be empirical evidence that wars do in fact cause baby booms 😃

Also note that the world population growth was 2,621. These 5 nations account for 3059 new voters.

Top 5 losses in voters:

1. Russia: -401
2. Peru: -280
3. Belgium: -187
4. USA: -125
5. Moldava: -117

Note that Russia lost more voters than all of the ALA combined!

Top 5 percentage change in voters:

1. North Korea: 136%
2. Slovenia: 109%
3. Czech: 52%
4. Croatia: 39%
5. Pakistan: 28%

Some of these numbers are the results of PTO/ATO type efforts, or just weird stuff going on.

Croatia has done a great job of increasing its population thanks to the interesting developments in the region.

Also noteworthy is that the eUK managed to bring its total 35 votes above its previous highest total thanks to a 14% increase over last month.

Bottom 5 percentage change in voters:

1. Peru: -50%
2. Belgium: -45%
3. Bolivia: -39%
4. Moldava: -28%
5. Paraguay: -20%

Note, Peru was conquered recently, which many have played a huge role in their performance.


Actually I dont really have much to say in conclusion, but It felt weird just stopping the article.

I do want to re-emphasize what an impact conflict has on this game. If it were not for the current baby booms being created by conflicts like Spain vs France and Croatia vs Serbia, the eWorld population would actually be dropping!

Hope this was helpful/interesting, and if you have any suggestions or requests please let me know 😃


As always, I suggest all players who do not know how to effectively fight and use a hospital check out This guide to hospital use, fighting, and wellness.

It is also imperative that all players read and follow orders as described in the the Department of Defense Newspaper as often as possible.