An Update on Molly

Day 1,692, 07:06 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine
Update on the Situation
This is going to be real brief, yesterday Molly was shot leaving her apartment, at the time I was at work, so I did not find out about it until after my shift was over and I got back to my car, and heard a voice-mail from her father. Last night I had very little information other than what I shouted, today I have a little bit more, and thus writing this. When shot the bullet went in, scrapped part of her heart, before going out her back, after arriving at the hospital in critical condition she spent hours in surgery, which she made it through, but lost a lot of blood, has yet to wake up, so it is now a matter of waiting to see if her body will pull through.

eRep Ramifications
I know during this time she will be missed by the Revolutionaries and her other in-game friends, hopefully when Molly recovers she can return to her normal game play.

New Update
Good news everyone, Molly has woken up, she is a little groggy, is going to be extremely sore all, and after staying at least another few days in the hospital to make sure she is all alright, she will be getting to go home, she was even in enough spirits to jokingly ask if her surgeon was a man or a woman. I would like to thank everyone for there messages of support through this troubling time. It meant a lot to me and will no doubt mean a lot to her.

Third Update
Wasn't going to add anymore, but since Bia Pandora asked in the comments below adding this short little update, anyway if all goes well tomorrow morning the 10th during a morning check up Molly will be allowed to go home tomorrow afternoon, and she will be staying with her parents until she is back to full strength.