An update from the Oval

Day 900, 18:55 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

It's been a busy few days here in the Oval Office. Sadly, we haven't been able to make a single proposal regarding any issue -- New Citizen Message, MPP, War, nada. That said, we're not sitting around doing nothing. Here's a few updates:

*The New Citizen Message is drastically out of date. As a result, Vice President Chocolate McSkittles and Secretary of Media David Landon teamed up to create a vibrant new message that we think will have drastic effects on our retention efforts. I will propose that just as soon as Erepublik lets me.

*As most have seen, we've been trying to declare war on Serbia for a few weeks now. Woxan tried to do it and I did too. We're still waiting for the administrators to fix the bug that doesn't allow us to declare our neighbor, but we're confident that it will happen at some point. It's just a matter of when.

*Negotiations for America to retain the Indian region of Karnataka are underway. We will keep the public informed as to the status of these negotiations as they continue. We will present a final offer to India which we believe is enticing and will help both sides immensely.

*The new cabinet is fully formed and most departments are fully staffed. If you're interested in getting involved, find a department you'd like to work at and PM that Cabinet Secretary. Do not PM me. I do not single handedly staff all of the Executive Branch. I delegate that job.

*Many of the newer faces in the cabinet are performing well and impressing the old farts like myself. Delegation is in full swing and many are learning the ropes very quickly -- a promising sign for the future.

*War bonds are being tackled by the Vice President. We're recreating the program to enable us to use the bonds more effectively.