An Old guy's Disappointment

Day 1,595, 05:29 Published in Philippines Philippines by roymustang

I have been playing erepublik for almost 3 years now and I have always been a loyal eFilipino. I personally know that ePhilippines is a neutrally-aligned country. It does not play any major role in the global community nor does it voices its opinion (as loudly and assertively than that of other countries) in global politics and events played by the superpowers.

But the ePhilippines is not a hermit country. It has its own allies, its friends with bonds strengthened through time, loyalty and trust. One of its long-time ally and friend is eMalaysia. And these two countries are like BFFs. They have been watching each other's backs for a long time now, helping in domestic and foreign affairs. Securing each other against threats while mutually developing. These two have not backed down when one of them has been harassed or have been attacked, assuring that there will always be someone to protect them in times of need.

If the ePhilippines has been declared war on and attacked, eMalaysia would surely find a way to help, either by mediating peace or counter-attacking. And vice-versa. If eMalaysia has been declared war on and attacked, ePhilippines would surely find a way to help, either by mediating peace or counter-attacking.

One day, eIndonesia attacked eMalaysia, wiping it out of the map. In its defense, ePhilippines responded much to the joy of both parties, especially by eIndonesia who greeted the declaration with much anticipation and respect.

But now I am disgusted as slurs and insults, which are too personal and offensive to the point that it is discriminating already, are being thrown. Much to my surprised, this act was not only perpetrated by the eIndonesians but by my fellow countrymen also. I remember a time wherein manners were duly presented in the battlefield. I remember a time wherein funny jokes were the only ones thrown against each other as propaganda. I remember a time wherein all combatants acted maturely and conducted themselves in the best of ways. I remember a time wherein respect was given to each other and maintained in both sides.

To my eIndonesian opponents, congratulations to your recovery and continuing, unyielding pushes; and of course for getting Java back as your capital.

To my fellow eFilipinos, do not forget your dignity and your honor. Wag kayong pmatol sa knila, wag kayong gmaya at bmaba sa knilng lebel. Do not forget that you are an eFilipino.

Good luck to all and I hope the hostilities would all end.