An interesting bet on V2 - or - How to gain 4 skill level in 12 days.

Day 890, 10:11 Published in United Kingdom Germany by Dr.Pain

A rl friend of mine who also plays eRepublik told me a few months ago that he is working for minimum wage in Constructions now. I asked him why he would do such a ridiculous thing and he told me that he wanted to increase his skill level for V2.

This was quite an interesting idea. If you start your career in a new branche you get from Skill 0 to Skill 2 in 6 days. But why would you want to do it? It is not like you make more profit out of a skill 2 manu job than out of your skill 6 land job, this is not even lucrativ if you travel a lot.

So why did he do it?

He made a bet on the migration to V2.

Until now the Admins only said the following about the migration of skills:
We will replace the existing professions with new ones and even add several more. Don't panic! Your citizen will not lose their existing skill levels!

We will not lose our current skill levels. That is all we know. The rest is speculation.
But why not speculate? After all this is just a game.😁

If we do not loose our skill levels and there will be new professions to choose from (not just some renaming like with the wood industry) than the next logical step would be that we are able to transfer our current skill level to another profession. The admins want to use this technique for the military skills, so why should there be another system for the job skill migration?

Now if you can transfer those skill levels and actually worked in the two professions that are not your main profession, you could add 4 skill levels in your main profession. That would be awesome rigth?

Now I realy liked the idea of my friend but I thougth that would not be worth it for me to try. I was already skill 7+ and therefore I have to rely on a nice GM to get the wage I deserve. So why should I lose 12 days with high wages for an risky investment in the future? Even in the case that it does work and I can add 4 skill levels onto my main profession: will I ever see the difference in my pockets?

But then the recession came and it came hard.
My wage dropped like a stone and I only made 1/3 of what I got paid before.
I thougth to my self: You could keep on working for slave wages or you could use this time for an investment into a better future. So I left my underpayed job and worked for minimum wage as a newby in government companies.

Now I am just waiting for V2 to come and to find out if it worked.

Why don't you try it out?

I know, I know ... I just told you that I did not want to do it myself at first. However one thing changed.
It is still risky, because we do not know if the skill transfer works as assumed in this model, but that is why it is a bet. If you can't take a small risk in a game, where can you?
What changed then?
The possible revenue!
The Admins announced that the job market will not end at 7+ so you will feel the difference in your pockets.

I understand that you are still sceptical and as an informed eRepublic citizen you should be.
Why should you leave your high payed job now for 12 days and not just wait till the last V2 insider comes out. After all the last edition is supposed to tell us how the migration will look like.
Think again! What will happen if the EI announces that the migration will work like in this concept? Everybody and their grandma will rush into skill 0 jobs to push their skills. This will result in less workers in the high skill region and therefore the wages will skyrocket (not in the skill 0 to 2 area, they will go down).
If you were brave enough to bet on this system you can already benefit from the V2 change in V1.

I am eager to read your feedback in the comments.

Don't forget to vote and sub. 😉