An In-Depth Look At A Future Alliance

Day 1,334, 20:09 Published in USA USA by Sorcus

I figured I would throw in some variety in my paper by conducting my first interview, as I was reading an article linked by one of my friends, discussing the formation of an alliance in the Middle-East, ICON. I was able to get in touch with the articles author, Akhraziel, and ask for an interview. To my luck, he responded and was very nice and cordial about it. I hope you guys find this interesting, because I know I did.

First of all, none of this is set in stone at the moment so it is subject to change, but I will attempt to answer all of your questions satisfactorily. If you have any more questions or do not think I answered a question satisfactorily do not hesitate to tell me.
1. Who will be the figurehead of ICON? Will it be a joint-leadership, a council run leadership, or a figurehead directing alliance activites (Example: A single person or nation)?

- The leader of ICON will hold the position of Amir. The Amir will be the driving force behind the alliance and will help the alliance run smoothly. This office will be an equivalent of the Secretary-General but with a more Arabic name. The Amir\\\'s term will last for one month, but cannot be elected the following month in order to give other countries a chance to lead the alliance. They will; however, be able to run for election after their successor\\\'s term has ended. The Amir will hold other executive powers as well such as the veto power.

ICON will also have a council that will be known as the Majlis al-Shura. The Majlis al-Shura will vote on different issues that concern the alliance such as who to side in a war. It will also be able to expel members, add members, and amend the charter with a 66% majority. Each president will be able to nominate their country\\\'s delegate to the council who will then become a member and whose term will last until after the next presidential elections when they can be replaced.

2.Will ICON be as aggresive as ONE in a military aspect? Will we see ICON invading continents and crushing alliances?

- ICON will not nearly be as aggressive as ONE at first anyways. It will be a purely defensive alliance until more Muslims are added into the game. However, in the future I can definately see ICON as being aggressive once more Muslims join and once more Muslim nations are added as they will make ICON much stronger.

3.What was the concept behind the formation of ICON? Was it so that the middle east can emerge as a superpower, or is it mainly to establish a brotherhood among the nations?

-Actually, ICON was created for both of those reasons as well as one more. The Middle East has been extremely turbulent and relations have soured between Muslim brothers. The UAE and Egypt have had bad relations with Iran. Saudi Arabia has had bad relations with Cyprus. So it was partially created to end these divisions and bring more Middle Eastern unity. However, it was also created in order to give the Midle East relevance as it has never been the site of anything such as this since it has always been sparsely populated with nations. Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan were for a long time the only nations in the Middle East. Finally, it was created to help push for more Muslim nations to be added to the game. The Muslim/Arab market is the most untapped by erepublik, and if more Muslim nations are added, ICON could be extremely powerful. ICON will help to lobby erepublik to add more Muslim nations which will in turn attract more Muslims to the game.

4.What is your personal opinion on the effort needed to make ICON a global superforce?

- ICON will only become a global superforce when more Muslims and Muslim nations are added to the game. It will take a lot of effort to get them in the game as erepublik is notoriously stingy when it comes to adding nations. It will also take the stronger nations such as Turkey, Iran, and Cyprus being willing to work with and help developer the smaller members such as Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

5. And finally, What are some future goals for ICON?

- As of now, no goals have been definately set, but one of the main goals will be to help protect new Muslim nations that are added to the game from being PTO'ed by foreigners like the United Arab Emirates and more recently Egypt have been. But of course, in the future it would be our goal to be one of the more powerful alliances in the eworld, hopefully rivaling EDEN, ONE, and TERRA.

Again, I sincerely thank Akhraziel for providing this interesting information about a Alliance that we will probably see making headlines across the globe.

The more you know,