An eHistory of Emerick's Life

Day 785, 17:28 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton" alt>

****this was written by Emerick himself on the eRepublik Wiki. I felt it needed to be published, so our sorrow for Emericks Departure could be more complete**** (also, nobody reads the wiki anyway)


Before Life (skip this part if you are not a Dioist!)
Looking For Something To Do
Tempting at US News and Classifieds
Emerick's First Real Journalism Job
That Time Nave Gave Me 2 Gold
Working for the US Unemployment Office
A Worthy Opponent
The Can-Am War
Skip a Few
The Emerickian Presidency


This is Emerick's autobiography. It's a collection of anecdotes and third-person encyclopedic information. Read it or don't

Before life
Warning: Contains Dioism....

This is the story of a man who was created by Dio Brando, invited to flourish in the sandy paradise of Pakistan....and lost his way.

That man is Emerick.

He was created by Dio Brando from the sand dunes of /v/akistan, and yet he lost his took him months to register...and by the time he came to, he was in the land of America. And though he was called by God Emperor Dio Brando to flourish in the lands of his fathers, he had forgotten His voice, and His message.

Although Emerick no longer heard Dio's call as clearly as he did in the sandy abyss, he still respects his rule, and wishes no harm on Him and His current followers.

As he once said to the people of Pakistan: Wash me in your sand, Pakistan, and look on to me. Not as a foreigner, but as a soul that had forgotten Dio's voice. I have learned much of the American way of life, and I hope to share it with you. Listen or don't. That is your choice.

Early Life

Emerick suffered from birth defects due to his mother's rampant alchoholism. For the entire month of February he was kept in an incubator until he was deemed healthy enough to leave the hospital.

His first act in the world was to vote for Nave Saikiliah of the then Liberty Party for president.

Looking for something to do

I believe this is Emericks first avatar

Emerick soon found a job in weapons with Guns'n Stuff. Making $1 a day, he felt like he was a sweatshop worker. He complained to his manager, who, more often then not, gave him the cold he started looking for other ways to make money.

Temping at US News and Classifieds

It was around that time when US News and Classifieds was at it's peak. Emerick got entry-level experience as a journalist then by submitting a story about the Canadian user, Banach(First International News Source?). He was paid $1.

Emerick's first real journalism job

Responding to a wanted ad on the forum, Emerick was cast in the role of American Journalist for International News Agency. INA was supposed to be a collaboration of several journalists from different countries who would contribute news from their home and surrounding countries on an offsite forum, share their articles and information, and publish them in their respective countries. The concept was the brainchild of the then Australian president, zaney. Besides zaney, Titu Maiorescu, king of apples, and Emerick were active on the off site forum, and signed up for the job. After a few weeks of debating the name of the collaboration, exactly how it would work, its logo, and other start-up issues, it looked like the INA would finally begin to put its gears into motion and get off the ground.

All this time, Emerick had been putting together an interview with the then-president of USA, Nave Saikiliah for the other members. However, presidential aspirations and other political issues of two of the bigger names in the agency caused them to withdraw from the project and, eventually, only Emerick was still holding the name. Not wanting to give up his newspaper and good interview with his president, Emerick published the article under the INA name. Excited with his achievement, Emerick eventually renamed the newspaper International Press, and continued looking for material.

At the time of this writing, International Press had over 650 subscribers, and was ranked among the nation's most subscribed

That time Nave gave me 2 gold

This one time, I was bored, so I decided to see who was online. Nave was on, and so I decided to screw around with him. Now, when I say screw around, I don't mean maliciously...I just mean talk to, in a jocular fashion, perhaps. So I pm'd him. I told him how miserable it was that I'd never had gold before, and I was tired of seeing 0.00 next to that little pile of gold on that sea green header we have, and I asked if he'd give me some. I didn't expect anything. Maybe a semicolon pee as a response, but I didn't think that he'd actually give me money. But he did. I was ecstatic. Really. I didn't know what to do. I was still a young kid, and this guy just dumped 2 gold pieces onto my lap for nothing. I ran to the monetary market, glanced at the RER, which had the price of gold at $22, and posted. It was sold in about a minute. I thought that was weird, so I wasn't surprised when Nave told me that the actual price of of gold was $50. I would've face desk'd if the gold wasn't completely free.

Working for the US Unemployment Office

Back in those days, Dishmcds was still putting together his dream of a bureaucratic government. Every week or so, he'd write an article looking for ambassadors or new public servants. Young and eager Emerick pm'd Dish for a chance to sink his hands further into the game. Dish set him up with a job in the newly formed US Unemployment Office. Emerick's job, working with King Waseem, was to send a welcome message new citizens, give them the lay of the land, and set them up with a job if they needed the help. Emerick set up a standardized message with all the important things he felt new citizens needed such as:

* who the current president was
* any major events happening
* how to find a good employer
* how to buy food
* where to go to for further advice

Emerick took the job to heart, because, being born with a birth defect, he understood the importance of support.

He held this job until July of 2008. King Waseem left the US for Japan in May. He later started the Japanese Unemployment Office before becoming president.

Diamuid Trelsman: A Worthy Opponent

In mid March, Moriet held a contest(fun game: see Benn's 3rd comment, and compare that with what actually happened), where participants were to send him money, the winner being the person who sends the most. The prize was ambiguous, and only 3 people participated- Nave being the winner, donating 9.99USD. That was mildly humorous, but the real fun was the next day, when he announced the winner. Nave had won, and received 10.13USD. Immediately, he announced that the person who posted the most comments in that article would win his prize money. And it was on. Nearly tens of poor Americans poured into the article, grabbing at the cash. Emerick immediately took a commanding lead with 3 comments. Soon after, however, Dishmcds posted 10 comments. Sure enough, Emerick noticed that Dish was after his money, and took the lead again. However, there was a man- no, a boy, who covetted what Emerick wanted. He decided to post there, and try to win Emerick's 10USD. But Emerick would not be beaten. He posted over and over, in rapid succession, never letting up. But Diarmuid did not give. Emerick, determined to win his money, went so far as to let his spaghetti go cold in the microwave during his battle with the his feline opponent. Thus was his determination. The battle raged on for hours until Emerick devised a clever rouse. He pretended to go afk for a few hours, and let Dia wear himself out. Eventually, the striped kitty stopped posting and went home. And then Emerick leapt into the article again. With a ferocity never before seen in posting on eRepublik, Emerick posted for minutes and minutes, and then came back the next day and posted for several more minutes. In the end, Diarmuid was stunned and bewildered, and Emerick was declared winner. The people cheered, and Emerick received his prize.

Also, Belea2008 was there.

The Can-Am War

During the Can-Am War, Emerick was still a lowly journalist with little influence on governmental policy or public opinion. However, as a regular in the nation's flashchat room, he quickly became a central part in the war.

Early in the war, Vos found out that a user could use hospitals more than once. Using this glitch, Emerick slaughtered many Canadians, making his friends like him more, his parents more proud of him, and put him on speaking terms with girls.

Soon enough, America had conquered many Canadian regions, and the famous Canadian shitfest ensued. What happened next is rarely spoken of, and when it is, is spoken of as legendary. The Canadians, so enraged with their defeat, began a massive spamming campaign in the US media. Our hero, Emerick, recalls a Canadian-owned newspaper named the American Minutely, which promised to post a new article every minute with new and exciting ways to cheat(this, in response to the Americans using the using the hospital glitch). The owner kept this up for a surprisingly long time.

At one point in the war, Emerick wrote a long-winded speach to the Canadians, telling them to stop taking the war so seriously. They did not comply

Skip a Few

Now, we'll skip ahead about a year and a half, completely disregarding a large chunk of Emerick's life. Like Jesus in the Bible.

The Emerickan Presidency

The Campaign

One of Emerick's three campaign slogans

The second of Emerick's campaign slogans

Emerick's third and final campaign slogan

When Emerick first ran for president in July 2009, he released a series of three articles that laid out his plans and ideals. The first of the three was announcing his candidature. In this article, he laid out a few past accomplishments and his basica ideals. To show that he was going to be a different kind of president, Emerick adopted the slogan Making America New Again.

His second article was named Not tl;dr - brought to you by the Emerick for America campaign, and was in a list-like format, to attract voters with ADD. In it, Emerick used the slogan Quality Über Alles, to show his feelings that his policy was to create programs and policies that would make everything about the US the highest quality - including the wiki, its education system, and how it deals with its allies and enemies.

Emerick's third article was a short comment to his detractors who felt that an Emerickan presidency would bring little activity to the military. Yeah, there will be a military was his third campaign slogan, and was made such to be a bite at opponents of his who believed that his opponent, Harrison Richardson, would increase American's military power, but Emerick would not.

As an icing on the cake, Emerick posted an article in which citizens may ask him any question that they wish, and he would answer it. Ask anything, he named it.
The Election and Franco's the Richardson Administration

After this campaign, Emerick lost the election to Harrison Richardson, the USWP candidate. Richardson invited Emerick to be Secretary of State in his administration, which Emerick accepted.

Beloved, this is where Emerick stopped writing. As we all know now, he saved the eUS, which in turn saved the world.

Traditional Quote: "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." -Patton


See Ya'll Next Time

Emerick also lived in Japan, so therefore you should vote
this article up. Scheisskopf FTW!