An Analysis of the New Changes

Day 1,225, 20:17 Published in USA USA by chesehead

Today, the admins did a promotional event. While this is just limited to 3 days, the affects will be far reaching.

What are the changes?

1. The admins have Cut Company upgrade costs in half.
2. There is now a temporary food limit of 500 wellness
3. There are 3 new missions, offering a variety of strength and rank gains.

How will this affect us?

Short Term- Gold will become more expensive yet again. The missions all require a gold booster of some sort, which is a relatively small amount, however, younger players will complete them, and they primarily get their gold from the money market. The USD should slide as well, as more people will be selling USD to gain gold, but the market should stay afloat due to the 10G a day rule, which keeps the market in check.

Raw Materials should temporally rise in price. This is due to a number of reasons. Mainly, we are dramatically increasing the demand for such RM’s as higher Q companies require exponentially more RM’s. Coupled with the gold shortage, RM’s should stay high for the time, as people will have spent all their gold on upgrading Manu companies. Expect prices to level out and fall in about a month, as more people get free gold from medals and such expand into RM’s, as they will be very profitable for the coming month.

Food should stay about the same price wellness wise. The demand will go up, but also production as more people open up higher Q food companies. Eventually, this will lead to a long term depression in food prices, as more wellness is being created. This means that fighting will be cheaper, and our damage should go up.

Long Term

Higher Q products prices should fall. Temporally, they’ll remain even, as RM’s will still remain high and make the production costs high. Once RM prices fall, so will high Q manufactured goods. This means that it will be even more affordable to acquire weapons for fights and food for 30 food fights.

Wages- They will increase for the short term, as we need more production; however, as more people self produce, wages will take a slight dip, depending on conditions.

Peg- Short term, the peg will take a dip and there isn’t much we can do about it. We can remove USD from the system, but the problem lays in the supply of gold and the limits due to the 10G a day rule, which works in both ways.

Conclusion- Buy companies and upgrade them while you can. These prices have never happened before in my memory, so take advantage while you can. Org removal is around the corner, which should inject some Gold into the system and return the peg to a more reasonable level. Also, fight as much as you can to gain experience and rank points. The market is going to go through some instability, but in the end, we will be better as a nation. Productivity will go up, goods will eventually come down in price, and wages should maintain their buying power. For the newer players, buy RM companies and cash off on the recent spike in prices. For the older players, use what gold you have stored up to create some companies and upgrade them. They should return their value in a couple months and supply a steady stream of income if used properly.

EC chairman + some other stuff