American Marines: Welcome in the United Netherlands

Day 581, 13:48 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by dionysus

Dear American Marines and sympathisers,

I want to welcome you in the United Netherlands. I am happy to see the USA is once again using their taxpayer's money for a useless cause.

I am grateful for this opportunity though, for many reasons:

a) I can reach Field Marshall rank in no time now, thank you very much. I finally have a good cause to fight extensively for.
b) You are uniting Belgian and Dutch players even more. We seem to forget about all our differences now and we fight for a common cause.
c) PEACE criticizers in this country will finally see what PEACE will do for this country when in danger. Their criticism will fade and our country will be even more sympathetic to PEACE.
d) Businesses in this nation are selling more goods now and the state is earning much gold by this all.

In the name of all citizens of the United Netherlands, I wish to thank you guys. Your arrival here has many benefits.

Ow, and to the Dutch people in the US army. It's good to see you back in this country. I hope you enjoy your short stay. *Waves to Gassie and Duiveltje*

I must warn you Americans though. The Netherlands is well known for the drugs, the cheese and the red light district in Amsterdam, and disgusting yet easy to drink beers (Heineken for instance). Belgium is well known for it's great variety of beers, chocolate and waffles.
Don't lose yourselves here in the United Netherlands. The USA don't look to kindly upon drugs, drunks, etc.

Enjoy your stay Americans.

Final word to our allies of PEACE: welcome in our country. Belgian beers are free for you and you get cheese, waffles, chocolate and wooden shoes on your way back to your nations.

Kind regards,

former president United Netherlands, India and the Netherlands

edit: You might also see many US Marines paying tribute to Kixtart for all the damage he has done against the Americans. There is only one Kixtart and that is ours. Don't let their picture fool you, they are just paying tribute to him for the great fighter that he is.

There are also Americans paying tribute to our president Jazar, because Americans had to deal with the worst presidents in erepublik's history. It's nice of them to support good presidents.