American Diplomacy - Why the USA attacked Canada

Day 1,707, 13:11 Published in North Macedonia Thailand by deleted smee
Goodevening eRepublikans (and eDemocrats too),

The Canadian congressman Code-Y proposed an NE against America which did not pass. The American president used this NE proposal as an excuse to declare war on Canada. We all know this.

that the Canadian congressman Code-Y was bribed by the US Government to propose a NE against America. Code-Y confirms this in an article of his. The National Security Director of the USA, potato134 also confirms the bribe took place and that he paid the money.

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After Code-Y proposed the NE against the USA, the American President evry was ready and within 2 minutes counter-proposed an NE on Canada. Evry also issued an executive order instructing congressman to vote yes to the NE, so they did, and the war opened.

Now, what you didn't know is..

The USA still occupies Spanish territory and allies don't occupy allies. The USA will have to return the Spanish regions but when they do they will lose the deer and iron bonus. As we all know, the purpose of this new alliance is to have 10/10 resources and they already told us they have a plan so they can all achieve 10/10. The plan is that the USA would conquer Manitoba which has deer and then Quebec which has iron. Once the USA did this, the Spanish would RW back their regions. The USA would then demand Canada give them Manitoba (deer) and Quebec (iron) as war reparations because they lost the regions in Spain.

To give back the regions to Spain they opened a war with Canada to conquer Canadian regions... good job evry.

Evry the truth is that I havent decided yet. Your either the worst CP in the history of eRepublik or the greatest troll ever.

in smee we trust.