America's Spring Break!

Day 464, 20:06 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Our invasion anthem

As you probably already know the United States is going to war with Mexico. I have long tried to persuade Uncle Sam to do this instead of going against eight countries in Portugal and I finally got my wish. This should be a cake walk for us as we will be able to attack Mexico for two days without them having any MPPs. I am in support of this war, the U.S. is going to be considered Imperialist as long as we are in Atlantis so why not have some fun with it. Now the only problem we face is that for some reason the northern half of Mexico does not border its southern half according to the stats for erepublik regions. Because of this we may be stuck to the northern half if the admins don't take the magical force field the Mexican scientists have somehow managed to construct.

Mexico was recently taken over by Polish (yes the Polish) and they have taken control of congress within Mexico and donated all the money to one of their orgs. Now Mexico has a very small population and inactive government so its not likely they will put up much resistance. Without MPPs Mexico does not have much a chance and the first two days Mexico will not have any allies so all their support will have to be moved in.

The only downside to war is that Indonesia may take the chance to strike at India and India would be less able to defend themselves but I expect the heavy fighting to only last for a day or two in the U.S. so if India can start up a resistance war in Indonesia they can hold them off long enough for the U.S. to take a few regions and then shift back to India. Now we are not going to take all the regions as we will leave Mexico the southeast and maybe a few other regions however Uncle Sam will be the deciding factor on that.

New rule: If the Polish can take over your country, you suck.

Americans this spring break you don't have to worry about the hassles of international travel as now you can go cliff diving in Acapulco and get wasted in Tijuana right here in the good ole U.S. of A. So Americans, rise up and head for the border as we shall combine our foods with those of Mexico and we shall insert our American hotdogs into their Mexican tacos!

~America Fuck Yeah~