America Receiving Small Population Boom, Welcome to eRepublik New Guys!

Day 602, 12:56 Published in USA USA by Woxan

If you look at our society screen for our country, you'll notice we've gained a little over 400 citizens, in about half a day. We normally receive at most 350 in an entire day, so good job everyone who recruited and advertised like mad! These new citizens will help raise our nation's productivity, and will get to participate in the battles where we push PEACE GC back into the sea.

Americans, please take your time to assist our new players as they come into our country; most will be confused, like many of us originally were. If you can spare the expense, offer a little food or maybe a weapon for the citizen who just turned level 5.

Our population is our greatest asset in eRepublik, and the more we get, the stronger we are!

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Hello new players to eRepublik! You've joined us at an interesting time. A group of countries known as PEACE GC are attempting an invasion of the United States and Canada at the moment, in what is quite possibly the largest war ever fought in the history of eRepublik. Things may be a little confusing, but we have many programs and citizens devoted solely to helping out you you new guys.

The Meals on Wheels program gives free food to new citizens. Fill out the form at that link for free food, to help you jump start your eLife! It is an extremely well run program that has delivered to thousands of citizens in its lifetime.

The Habitat for Humanities program is a privately funded and owned organization which pays its employees minimum wage and gives them a free gift and a free Q1 food every day. Citizens work for 30 days in this program and when finished are given a free Q1 House, and if they worked all 30 days straight, are awarded 5 gold by the game for receiving a Hard Worker Medal. At skill 2 the wage doubles, and at skill 3 your wage doubles again. This is a great program for new citizens as it's run by quality citizens and gives a huge bump to new citizens.

There are many more programs located here , on our forums. Sign up and meet our awesome community!

As we are in a time of war, our enemies enjoy to post articles in our media to confuse and throw off our populace. Always check the reader of the paper and identify the country they are from.
Citizens you can definitely trust and send a message to:
Joe DaSmoe
Gaius Julius
Chris Stanwick

Welcome again to you new guys and have remember to have fun!