America's newest challenge

Day 998, 13:29 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
This article is intended only for those with USA citizenship. The rest of you will have other priorities on election day.

As was reported by Alexander Hamilton, America faces a PTO (Political Take Over) threat for the Party President elections on Sunday. There is an anti-American candidate running in each of the Top 6 parties. We must win all 6 elections.

We need all of you to help keep America safe. If one of our Top 6 parties is taken over, it will make it easier for foreign, pro-Phoenix candidates to get into Congress, where even if they fall short of a majority, would have the power to approve citizenships for more people from Phoenix and make a future PTO threat easier.

Please hold your vote until your last log-in on Sunday. If you see anything in the news about a party needing votes for their candidate to hold off a PTO, help them. If you hear nothing, vote for right candidate in your party (or if you're not in a party, join one to help them out for a day).

I know a lot of you love your parties, and I'm not asking you to leave them for more than a few minutes. You can resign from your party, switch to another to vote, and then switch back to your original party in a matter of seconds.

Here are the candidates the Top 6 parties have chosen to be their next Party President in primaries:

United States Workers Party: Fionia
Federalist Party: qubert18
United Independents Party: Pheno Sony or Justin McCravok (primary ongoing)
Amer. Defense and Trade Party: Indrae
S.E.E.S.: Max Wallingbottom III
Republican Party: Darrel Anderson 2

A list of the known PTOers is included in Alexander Hamilton's article.

I will be out of town most of Saturday and Sunday, I recommend subscribing to The Briefing Room and President St Krems' newspaper for late-breaking updates. Don't be afraid to check out the eUS forums, each parties' forums or IRC (#uswpchat, #fedpartychat, #uip, #adtp, #sees, #erepublicans) for more instructions and updates.

Also, I know we usually only concentrate on the Top 5 parties, but don't forget about the Republicans. Josh Whitehead, who nominated Pizza The Hut for President last month, is running for re-election and we cannot let a supporter of one the biggest threats to this country win. Vote for Darrel Anderson 2 in the Republican Party.

Please vote up Alex's article, this article and any other related article, so they get into the Top 5 and more Americans see them.

Thank you, by following these instructions, you are helping your country stay safe.