Allied power victorious in the North American Conflict

Day 709, 18:19 Published in USA Australia by Aeros


The North American Conflict, Operation PIG MAC, PEACE Invasion of North America, etc. is officially over. PEACE forces have been completely driven from the North American Continent, having failed to secure any territory.


The North American Conflict has thus far been the principle campaign of World War 3; The others being The Greek Reconquest, the Slavonian Conflict, the Scandinavian Conflict, the Korean Peninsular Conflict, the Northern India Revolt, The Franco-Spanish War, The Theocrat-Hungarian War, The Theocrat-Japanese War, the Colombia-USA War and the Belgian War of Independence. All of the above mentioned campaigns have also ended in PEACE failure, with the partial exception to North Korea and Switzerland. PEACE embarked on this great attempt at global domination on July 17 and now has little to show for it. Even worse, the enemies they sought to destroy are emerging as highly organized and powerful states that hold a menacing battery of activated MPP’s over Europe, Asia and South America.

The two principle recipients of the invasion, Canada and USA are emerging from near annihilation with highly organized militaries, governments and citizenry. Canada in particular now possesses a military capability far and away superior to other similarly populated nations. But it is the United States that is coming out of this conflict on top. The failure of PEACE GC to capture Florida resulted in the Americans gaining a massive list of activated MPP’s with numerous countries. Those countries are Russia, Indonesia, France and Colombia. Two of these countries, France and Russia can be attacked by the USA at any time, while Indonesia is just a single Japanese province away. Likewise, Colombia must rely on the Mexican NAP to provide a suitable buffer from the US, which for the time being may offer such protection. Over the coming days and weeks, all sides will be paying close attention to what the USA may decide to do with its new found economic and military power.


With North America now secure, EDEN can turn its attention to Europe. Greece and Croatia are two EDEN nations that hold activated MPP’s as a result of World War 3. In its efforts to wipe out Greece during the darkest days of the North American Conflict, Turkey tripped Greece’s MPP list. Unfortunately for Turkey, Greece mopped the floor with the Turks, going so far as to take back regions of Greece Turkey had occupied since Beta. Blocking efforts over later battles further added nations to Greece’s MPP arsenal. In central Europe, Croatia holds activated MPP’s against Hungary and Serbia over the two countries efforts at Croatian territory during pivotal North American battles like Second California. It remains to be seen however if either Greece or Croatia will risk an attack on their neighbors. Unlike the USA, they do not have a lot of territory to play with in the event of war.


With Alaska secured, it is unlikely the USA will do anything else in the near term. Its almost time for the Presidential elections, so the decision as to whether or not to expand the war may be left up to the next Administration. In the interim, the USA will begin to stockpile weapons in anticipation of either a PEACE counter-attack or a Allied back Invasion of PEACE territory. The question as to whether or not any of the Presidents will “Push the Button” is not hard to answer. War is fun, and it is good for the Economy. Just because North America is now quiet does not mean World War 3 is over.