All Treasure Maps have been Found

Day 1,157, 08:54 Published in Canada Australia by McMatty

This isn’t one of my thought provoking articles nor is it more Simpson cartoons. However, I do have to thank the 100+ who voted up my NID article. It feels good knowing that you all realize how truly awesome I am.

Now that I have the rightfully deserved cocky attitude out of the way, I am here to let all my fellow eCanadians know that, all treasure maps have been found.

What this means is any achievement or 5th level up will no longer be rewarded with a map. They have put a new reward system in place that is quite similar to the V1 days before the maps.

Here it is: (As listed in the Wiki Bar)

Whenever leveling up / winning new achievement:
• the citizen will not receive an alert anymore
• a reward pop-up (similar to Mission completed / Rank level up) appears
• citizens do not receive treasure maps
• Gold is added to citizen account directly:
o 1 Gold for each Level up
o 5 Gold for each Achievement

I have not seen a 100% confirmation that every 5th level will still be considered an achievement or if it will be part of the 1 gold level up.

Of course this is all subject to change on the whim of the admin. (Rhyming was not intentional)

It has been stated that the average player will receive more gold than they normally would have using the treasure maps. Considering the average treasure map was under 5 gold, this statement appears to be true. (Unless you are level 19 and only receive 1 gold when you hit 20)

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