All the King's Horses and All the King's Men...

Day 973, 02:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jhorlin


I am highly disappointed today. With the reactivation of the military module, my faith in the eRepublik admins is stronger than my faith in our current military leadership. This is a sad day indeed.

1. Military Orders

Whether you agree with them or not, whether they're aimed at you or not, vote them up. Having orders in the top 5 is key to a surviving military, as they can be edited and updated and remain in the eye of the public.

The fact that 16 hours on, the MoD orders are ranked 6th with only 68 votes is indicative of one of 2 things:
-incompetence: Command are unable to distribute orders and have them voted by their troops
-laziness: Command are too idle to vote using military orgs

Given that around 50-60 military orgs exist (I should know), one of the above statements is true (or our military has dropped to a membership of 18 people).

This is not acceptable.

I'd also emplore anyone considering sticking a vote to this article (thank you by the way), to stick a vote up for the MoD orders.

2. Supply Problems

We've known V2 is coming for a while. Even during my term, firm preparations were in place. Then, after release of Rising, Command have had over a week (almost 2) as a grace period, in which to organise their infrastructure, organise their troops, organise their supplies, and organise their suppliers. It is a great disappointment to be reading reports all over the place that this is not taking place.

Quite simply, Command need to be firm with people. It always comes down to people. Resourceful people can get the jobs done.

One of my regrets from my term as CGS is that I was too lenient with people, giving them the benefit of the doubt. Half of those are still present in command, doing very little. I ask this to our current leaders: do not make the same mistake. There are a large number of people holding honourary positions that should not be in the command team.

This is not acceptable.

3. Unit Sub-Orders

I've also seen some discussion that sub-unit orders are not giving our troops their full potential. This is just silly.

Our current commanders have a gift: an organised armed forces. There are 5 branches in existence, each with 4 regiments. These are the building blocks of your military.

Not only do these sub-units exist, but each has a Commander responsible. This is so simple. Pick an active commander, who is able to distribute orders to his men. If they can't be there all the time, pick a 2/IC to delegate some tasks to.

This is not complicated, and considering the building blocks are all there, if it isn't happening, it's the fault of the people.

This is not acceptable.

4. Fortress London
For King and... London?

Considering our Prime Minister earlier stated that he can produce a good quality hospital in 3 days for a price of 50G, this dogmatic sticking to fortress London policy is ridiculous. Although I suspect he has done it for party political reasons, let's look at the facts of the matter.

London is key to our economy, I do not challenge this. However, we have been invaded before, and although it was a gargantuan effort to move people back to the capital, it happened. We went from having a split population across the regions, to our fortress London. It can be done again. If people don't want to do it again, that screams of laziness.

Secondly, London will not fall in a day. Aside from our Phoenix allies and our own resources, the regions act as a buffer, giving some time to defend London if need be. It worries me greatly to see our Prime Minister stating that he will surrender all regions other than London without any real fight. Where is his resolve?

Thirdly, returning regions helps people get involved. Not only does it go part way to solving the ridiculous mobile voting monopoly that currently exists, and bring us closer to democracy, but it will also help with player retention. Regions are a great way to micro-manage people, just as Branches or Regiments in the Armed Forces. People can get involved with their local councils, get involved on their regional forums, and use it as a stepping stone to national matters.

To see archaic practices continue in this new version is disappointing, and it shows a lack of competence.

This is not acceptable.


In conclusion, Command need to pull their socks up and start leading from the front. The eUK military is quickly losing a well-earned reputation. Sort it out boys.

Former Chief of the General Staff