All Hail Dishmcds - il Duce, der Führer, our Dear Leader

Day 428, 11:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Christophia

For all these past months I have been on eRepublik, I have been living in the misconception that we are working together in a free, fair and open democracy. I believed everyone had the right to an opinion, to criticise government and to make proposals.

I was wrong, and for this I must apologise.

I now know I have committed crimes of high treason in daring to criticise Our Dear Leader, Eternal President, il Duce, unserer eignes Führer Dishmcds, and his Fascist Grand Council of eternally, divinely appointed "protectors" of the United Kingdom.

I was wrong to dare step out of place and form my own opinion regarding issues such as the war, ATLANTIS, the House of Lords and the Presidential election. Not only that but I sincerely apologise for questioning the reliability, and morality of a citizen who resigned his (official) post as President and neglected eUK over a petty arguement with admins. A citizen who then committed themselves to the destruction of nations and alliances, left eUK to carry out this immature, pointless and selfish want and then expects to retain his place at the table of the Fascist Grand Council, maintaining a self-appointed huge influence over our once fine nation and sets it upon himself to victimise eUK citizens and go out of his way to bully a well-meaning party.

I had obviously missed the inauguration of Eternal eUK Chairman Dishmcds, and for this I beg for mercy in your punishment.

Yours Sarcastically,
A humbled, disgruntled self-exiled eUKer.

In the words of widdows9000:
"It is childish on purpose, it's called satire.

And it's even funnier because the article has a valid point and because it has a serious message at the end of it which applies to a certain group of people:"