Aliance s USA? / Alliance with USA?

Day 515, 02:41 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Jura52

Čau, Radim a já jsme dojednali s USA možnost aliance. Amerika ale už nemá peníze na zaplacení 30 Goldů, a tak by to musela Česká Republika uhradit i za ně, což by stálo 60 Goldů. Nemůžu se rozhodnout, jestli by to bylo dobré řešení, a tak to předkládám české veřejnosti k diskuzi. Co si o tom myslíte?

Hello, Radim and I have negotiated a possibility of alliance with USA. But America doesn't have 30 Gold to spare, and so Czech Republic would have to pay for the whole MPP ( that's 60 Gold). I can't decide whether this alliance would be a good thing, so I want to start a discussion about this with Czech public. What do you think about it?