Akcija na potpuno drugaciji nacin....Nastavak

Day 1,287, 08:01 Published in Serbia Serbia by Aleksa Gajic

Ljudi zeleo bih da vam se zahvalim na podrsci...Juce smo uspeli da skupimo

nesto preko 3golda i 540 g1 hlebova...Mislim da mozemo jos bolje...Pored

stranih valuta koje su vam visak mozete donirati i hleb i rsd i gold 😃 a cak

i puce.....Ajmo da nahranimo srpske ebebe....


che.srb has transfered 4.19 DKK to your account.
che.srb has transfered 0.45 RSD to your account.
che.srb has transfered 0.63 MKD to your account.
che.srb has transfered 0.66 RUB to your account.
che.srb has transfered 2.72 IDR to your account.
Zeka-Peka has transfered 0.34 GRD to your account.
Zeka-Peka has transfered 1.99 USD to your account.
Zeka-Peka has transfered 0.69 HUF to your account.
Zeka-Peka has transfered 1.99 USD to your account.
Rale94 has transfered 0.26 ESP to your account.
Rale94 has transfered 0.19 MEP to your account.
Zeka-Peka has transfered 0.1 BGN to your account.
Amd sempron has transfered 0.05 GRD to your account.
Amd sempron has transfered 20.88 RUB to your account.
Amd sempron has transfered 0.03 HUF to your account.
Amd sempron has transfered 0.03 ARS to your account.
UtopiaSRB has transfered 0.75 GBP to your account.
Amd sempron has transfered 0.03 PLN to your account.
Amd sempron has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
JakovJ has transfered 0.02 BRL to your account.
JakovJ has transfered 0.95 HRK to your account.
Simeon Vasojevic has transfered 0.58 HRK to your account.
Simeon Vasojevic has transfered 10.1 AUD to your account.
Simeon Vasojevic has transfered 10.6 VEB to your account. Vladislav Milovanovic has transfered 0.12 ARS to your account.
Simeon Vasojevic has transferred 93 Food to your storage.
Vladislav Milovanovic has transfered 1 BAM to your account.
Vladislav Milovanovic has transfered 2.22 RSD to your account.
Vladislav Milovanovic has transfered 0.1 MKD to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.01 ARS to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.01 TRY to your account. Vuk01 has transfered 0.01 BAM to your account
Vuk01 has transfered 0.04 SKK to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.03 PHP to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.08 RON to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.08 BRL to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.18 GBP to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.17 SIT to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.16 HUF to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.14 HRK to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.24 CAD to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.19 NLG to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.26 ESP to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.24 FRF to your account.
UtopiaSRB has transfered 1.08 SKK to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.28 IDR to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.34 BGN to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.6 RUB to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.58 PTE to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.52 LTL to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.46 MKD to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.41 NIS to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.4 USD to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.79 IEP to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.74 MXN to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.73 CZK to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.66 PLN to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 1.46 CNY to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 0.82 AUD to your account.
Vuk01 has transfered 1.05 LVL to your account.
Don Marjanovic has transfered 2 SAR to your account.
dkivi has transfered 7.96 BGN to your account.
Don Marjanovic has transfered 1 USD to your account.
dkivi has transfered 8 IDR to your account.
Don Marjanovic has transfered 1 RON to your account.
dkivi has transfered 1.99 GRD to your account.
Don Marjanovic has transfered 1 PTE to your account.
dkivi has transfered 2.66 ATS to your account.
Don Marjanovic has transfered 1 GBP to your account.
dkivi has transfered 5.49 PHP to your account.
Don Marjanovic has transfered 1 RUB to your account.
Don Marjanovic has transfered 100 RSD to your account.
Anastazis has transfered 1 HRK to your account.
venedin has transfered 0.95 HRK to your account.
Pedja16 has transfered 0.86 MKD to your account.
Anastazis has transfered 1 GBP to your account.
venedin has transfered 0.99 SKK to your account.
Pedja16 has transfered 0.91 ESP to your account.
venedin has transfered 1.13 HUF to your account.
venedin has transfered 1.24 ITL to your account.
venedin has transfered 1.83 USD to your account.
venedin has transfered 0.66 BGN to your account.
venedin has transfered 0.81 PHP to your account.
Dalibor Mitic has transfered 24.41 RSD to your account.
venedin has transfered 0.91 MXN to your account.
Dalibor Mitic has transfered 0.01 GOLD to your account.
Dalibor Mitic has transfered 0.9 BRL to your account.
che.srb has transfered 0.01 GOLD to your account.
venedin has transfered 0.43 PYG to your account.
venedin has transfered 0.45 BRL to your account.
venedin has transfered 0.62 BAM to your account.
venedin has transfered 0.66 BGN to your account.
venedin has transfered 0.81 PHP to your account.
venedin has transfered 0.91 MXN to your account.
Dalibor Mitic has transfered 0.01 GOLD to your account.
Markoo87 has transfered 0.71 THB to your account.
Markoo87 has transfered 0.02 RUB to your account.
Markoo87 has transfered 0.04 HRK to your account.
Markoo87 has transfered 0.21 PLN to your account
Markoo87 has transfered 50 RSD to your account.
Vlada 505 has transfered 0.16 FRF to your account.
Vlada 505 has transfered 0.66 MYR to your account.
Vlada 505 has transfered 0.1 PLN to your account.
KnindzaRatnik has transfered 9.65 SGD to your account.
Chappy_88 has transfered 0.7 USD to your account.
Chappy_88 has transfered 1.7 BGN to your account.
Chappy_88 has transfered 2.38 HRK to your account.
Chappy_88 has transfered 5 RUB to your account.
Chappy_88 has transfered 0.03 MKD to your account.
Cvrkota xD has transfered 1.01 HRK to your account.
Cvrkota xD has transfered 0.6 HRK to your account.
Cvijetin Shadow Petrovic has transfered 13.24 RSD to your account.
Cvijetin Shadow Petrovic has transfered 1.06 BRL to your account.
Cvrkota xD has transfered 0.54 PYG to your account.
Cvijetin Shadow Petrovic has transfered 0.05 GOLD to your account.
Cvrkota xD has transfered 0.2 ARS to your account.
Cvrkota xD has transfered 40 USD to your account.
Cvrkota xD has transfered 0.5 PLN to your account.
David the Jew has transfered 0.29 HRK to your account.
David the Jew has transfered 0.69 ESP to your account.
David the Jew has transfered 0.75 SAR to your account.
David the Jew has transfered 2.97 CNY to your account.
dr. JASON has transfered 8.53 BRL to your account.
dr. JASON has transfered 0.62 HUF to your account.
dr. JASON has transfered 0.9 CNY to your account.
dr. JASON has transfered 1.8 BGN to your account.
dr. JASON has transfered 1.85 BAM to your account.
MilosDj has transfered 0.52 BRL to your account.
MilosDj has transfered 0.5 TRY to your account.
MilosDj has transfered 0.6 DKK to your account.
MilosDj has transfered 0.7 PEN to your account.
MilosDj has transfered 1 HUF to your account.
eXTreM-e has transfered 0.3 BGN to your account.
MilosDj has transfered 0.2 USD to your account.
MilosDj has transfered 0.3 AUD to your account. eXTreM-e has transfered 0.3 MKD to your account.
eXTreM-e has transfered 0.8 HRK to your account.
MilosDj has transfered 0.42 EEK to your account.
MilosDj has transfered 0.44 RUB to your account.
MilosDj has transfered 0.5 CNY to your account.
MilosDj has transfered 0.23 CZK to your account.
eXTreM-e has transfered 8 CNY to your account.
MilosDj has transfered 0.11 HUF to your account.
eXTreM-e has transfered 0.3 HUF to your account.
Ivan100rsd has transferred 10 Food to your storage.
BlueTheNick has transfered 2.01 VEB to your account.
Trobojka has transfered 0.99 HRK to your account.
Trobojka has transfered 0.17 NIS to your account.
Trobojka has transfered 0.54 BGN to your account.
mladen_karavukovo has transfered 0.52 CNY to your account.
mladen_karavukovo has transfered 0.55 ESP to your account.
mladen_karavukovo has transfered 0.66 SGD to your account.
mladen_karavukovo has transfered 0.81 EGP to your account.
Dajbog has transfered 0.6 BOB to your account.
Dajbog has transfered 1 SKK to your account.
Dajbog has transfered 2 ITL to your account.
Dajbog has transfered 4.6 MDL to your account.
Dajbog has transfered 2.5 USD to your account.
Dajbog has transfered 2.5 CLP to your account.
Dajbog has transfered 2 ARS to your account.
Dajbog has transfered 0.75 BGN to your account.
Dajbog has transfered 0.4 COP to your account.
ZeRo_CooL has transfered 1.12 BRL to your account. ZeRo_CooL has transfered 1.12 NLG to your account.
ZeRo_CooL has transfered 1.39 ITL to your account.
ZeRo_CooL has transfered 5.64 PLN to your account.
Dajbog has accepted your friendship request
Dajbog has transfered 1 LTL to your account.
Dajbog has transfered 0.5 PKR to your account.
Dajbog has transfered 0.5 KPW to your account.
Dajbog has transfered 2.2 CZK to your account.
Dusan Miladinovic has transfered 0.01 HUF to your account.
ZeRo_CooL has transfered 0.58 RUB to your account.
Dusan Miladinovic has transfered 0.01 PKR to your account.
ZeRo_CooL has transfered 0.8 IRR to your account.
ZeRo_CooL has transfered 0.94 NZD to your account.
Dusan Miladinovic has transfered 0.47 BRL to your account. ZeRo_CooL has transfered 1.23 MKD to your account. Dusan Miladinovic has transfered 0.01 BAM to your account.
ZeRo_CooL has transfered 1.07 FRF to your account.
Dusan Miladinovic has transfered 50 RSD to your account.
ZeRo_CooL has transfered 0.2 ESP to your account.
ZeRo_CooL has transfered 0.34 HRK to your account.
ZeRo_CooL has transfered 0.49 IDR to your account.
Dusan Miladinovic has transfered 0.01 PLN to your account.
Dusan Miladinovic has transfered 0.01 IDR to your account.
MiodragSavic has transfered 0.56 RUB to your account.
MiodragSavic has transfered 1.64 SGD to your account.
ZeRo_CooL has transfered 100 GRD to your account.
MiodragSavic has transfered 0.08 INR to your account.
MiodragSavic has transfered 0.1 CNY to your account.
MiodragSavic has transfered 0.53 BRL to your account.
Olivera Natalia has transfered 2 CNY to your account.
Olivera Natalia has transfered 0.8 FIM to your account.
Olivera Natalia has transfered 1.94 BRL to your account.
Olivera Natalia has transfered 0.4 PEN to your account.
bataya men 2 has transfered 3.25 PLN to your account.
bataya men 2 has transfered 1 IDR to your account.
bataya men 2 has transfered 6.63 ESP to your account.
bataya men 2 has transfered 1.56 MKD to your account.
bataya men 2 has transfered 4.24 USD to your account.
bataya men 2 has transfered 1.67 IEP to your account.
bataya men 2 has transfered 1.98 AUD to your account.
bataya men 2 has transfered 0.85 SGD to your account.
bataya men 2 has transfered 0.29 MYR to your account.
bataya men 2 has transfered 0.61 BAM to your account.
bataya men 2 has transfered 0.86 IRR to your account
SashaJ88 has transfered 10.59 ESP to your account.
SashaJ88 has transfered 10 BRL to your account.
Sajler has transfered 0.7 ARS to your account.
ricotornado has accepted your friendship request
Sajler has transfered 11 RSD to your account.
Vlajko delija has transferred 250 Food to your storage.
Sajler has transfered 0.01 BAM to your account.
Sajler has transfered 0.02 ARS to your account.
Sajler has transfered 0.21 HRK to your account. Sajler has transfered 0.32 BAM to your account.
ladivareljica has transfered 1.13 HUF to your account.
ladivareljica has transfered 1 GBP to your account.
ladivareljica has transfered 0.15 HRK to your account.
Tomorrow94 has transfered 0.15 DEM to your account.
Tomorrow94 has transfered 0.28 BRL to your account.
Tomorrow94 has transfered 0.6 CNY to your account.
Tomorrow94 has transfered 0.96 HRK to your account.
Tomorrow94 has transfered 1.25 IDR to your account.
Bolid-srbenda has transfered 1.5 RUB to your account.
8Putnik has transfered 0.15 TRY to your account.
8Putnik has transfered 0.16 BRL to your account.
8Putnik has transfered 0.23 RUB to your account.
8Putnik has transfered 0.27 USD to your account.
Machak071 has transfered 0.41 ARS to your account.
8Putnik has transfered 0.45 CNY to your account.
Ilic Nenad has transfered 35.07 HRK to your account.
SerDrinkALot has transfered 18.7 HRK to your account.
Specijalac90 has transfered 0.02 ESP to your account.
Specijalac90 has transfered 0.04 SGD to your account.
Specijalac90 has transfered 0.05 SIT to your account.
Specijalac90 has transfered 0.95 RUB to your account.
Specijalac90 has transfered 0.49 ARS to your account.
Specijalac90 has transfered 10.7 DKK to your account.
Specijalac90 has transfered 1.05 BRL to your account.
Specijalac90 has transfered 0.44 VEB to your account.
Specijalac90 has transfered 0.28 FIM to your account.
Specijalac90 has transfered 0.2 SEK to your account.
Specijalac90 has transfered 50 RSD to your account.
Sasa Simic Sima has transfered 0.01 ITL to your account.
Sasa Simic Sima has transfered 5.11 RSD to your account.
Sasa Simic Sima has transfered 0.06 ARS to your account.
Sasa Simic Sima has transfered 1 PTE to your account Sasa Simic Sima has transfered 0.96 ESP to your account.
Tivatnj has transfered 0.21 BGN to your account.
Tivatnj has transfered 0.23 HRK to your account.
corteo has transfered 1.57 HRK to your account.
corteo has transfered 0.78 BRL to your account.
corteo has transfered 0.88 HUF to your account.
Vladimir Djuric has transfered 1 HRK to your account.
Vladimir Djuric has transfered 5 PLN to your account.
Vladimir Djuric has transfered 0.85 HUF to your account.
Vladimir Markovic sd has transfered 9 BRL to your account.
Gianfranco Zola has transfered 100 RSD to your account.
Gianfranco Zola has transfered 0.17 GRD to your account.
Gianfranco Zola has transfered 0.33 BRL to your account.
Gianfranco Zola has transfered 0.6 USD to your account.
Gianfranco Zola has transfered 0.6 GBP to your account.
Gianfranco Zola has transfered 1.6 ESP to your account.
Gianfranco Zola has transfered 2.4 HUF to your account.
Gianfranco Zola has transfered 6 PLN to your account.
Marco Mitich has transfered 10 TRY to your account.
Marco Mitich has transfered 5 HUF to your account.
Jelena Lukic has transfered 0.01 HRK to your account.
Jelena Lukic has transfered 0.04 ITL to your account.
Jelena Lukic has transfered 0.24 BAM to your account.
Jelena Lukic has transfered 0.71 MYR to your accont.
Jelena Lukic has transfered 1 ZAR to your account.
Jelena Lukic has transfered 1 PLN to your account.
Julius Caligula has transfered 4.33 PLN to your account.
Julius Caligula has transfered 7.03 ATS to your account.
Julius Caligula has transfered 9.82 CNY to your account.
dusan grujicic has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
Lejkan has transfered 0.01 MKD to your account.
Lejkan has transfered 0.1 BGN to your account.
Lejkan has transfered 0.23 CAD to your account.
Lejkan has transfered 0.33 TRY to your account.
Lejkan has transfered 0.69 BRL to your account.
Vesely24 has transfered 0.7 VEB to your account.
Vesely24 has transfered 5 PTE to your account.
Nikola47 has transfered 0.55 CNY to your account.
Nikola47 has transfered 0.66 HRK to your account.
Nikola47 has transfered 0.21 BRL to your account.
Nikola47 has transfered 0.6 MEP to your account.
Nikola47 has transfered 0.8 HUF to your account.
Dusan Anakin Radovanovic has transfered 0.78 VEB to your account.
Nikola47 has transfered 0.3 TRY to your account.
Nikola47 has transfered 0.1 ITL to your account.
Nikola47 has transfered 0.01 VEB to your account.
Nikola47 has transfered 0.01 NZD to your account.
Seljanovo has transfered 0.54 ESP to your account.
Seljanovo has transfered 1.66 GRD to your account.
Seljanovo has transfered 0.25 HRK to your account.
Seljanovo has transfered 0.52 CYP to your account.
che.srb has transfered 12.42 MKD to your account.
che.srb has transfered 0.01 DKK to your account.