After a lost battle... (Book of History - Chapter II. The 2nd eWorld War )

Day 487, 04:27 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by VLewinski

A new world was rising. A new world full with poltical conflicts, economic problems and starvation.

The economic development of the world was based on ruling the resources. One of the most attractive regions was West Siberia.
Far away from the powerful nations of the new world...

The people wanted solutions. They wanted food for their families, they wanted to live in a house...

Alliances were created. The most powerful alliances wrote the book of history. Their name were: Peace and Atlantis.

The conflict reached the boilpoint. The eWorldWar has begun!
The muddled interests of the alliances created a lot of fronts. Revolutions, revenges decorated the picture of the war...

But the core was this region. WEST SIBERIA.
A lot of blood was wasted... Whole economics of eCountries focused on development of war products. Weapons, food, wellness packs, gifts were collected...

The Agressor was Romania. The threat on mankind. They started the war. Indonesia was not ready.
A bitter battle was developed.
Indonesia gained the region first, thank to the sacrifice of eHungary, the Indonesians were able to take initiative. And they won!!!

West Siberia was the NEW HOPE!!!

Massive flow of economic refugees found a new home here. Newcomers created a little piece of heaven here. New Organizations were founded, searching for oil, metal, and diamonds... The poor people found new jobs, what meant better food, better food caused full bellys of their children... Rising wellness-levels were charasteristic for the region.
The refugees were happy... They felt safe there...

But the imperialists prepared the counterattack. And the EMPIRE STRIKES BACK!!!
Many warnings were cryed out... there were signs of the preparation...

Indonesia was asleep while they invaded our fields. Sleepy men, women and even children fought with their bare hands againts the organized Romanian mecha-troops...
Some of them had time to grab some Q1 knives, but it was not useful against the incoming Tanks and strong artillery bombardement.
The cities disappered... a NEW STALINGRAD...

An underground movement was organized quickly.
They smuggled anti-tank weapons, air defense, and Machineguns in the invaded region.
And they fought as TIGERS!!!

It was a massacre! There was a hope for defense... Euphonix took the command, and it seemd that the defenders will make it...

But in the last minute, the dark shadows got a reinforcements...

And they are killed every single defenders. Some of them tried to escape, and succeed...

Romanian tanks are rolling up and down on the streets... Hordes of blood-thirsty soldiers are marching... They are humiliating the dead bodies of our soldires, raping our women... cutting the throats of our children!!!

Economics ruined, houses destroyed, women are raped, the remaining hungry children are bumming for food...