Aeriala 4 POTUS, A look at Cabinet and a Fresh Idea

Day 1,500, 08:43 Published in USA Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

Today I'll start a next step towards my run for POTUS. Try to answer a few questions and maybe ask some of my own. There are some that question if I have the experience with US politics to become POTUS. I consider it a valid question. I have a two part answer to that.

Firstly I have one of the most important things on my side, time. I have the time to do the job. Once March-April hits my time is limited and continues to be limited mostly straight through till December. If there's one thing I know in erep, the difference in a good or bad CP or really any gov't member is the commitment and time they invest or have to invest. Second I do believe experience is important therefore I have asked and brought onboard as my VP Alexander_Auctoritas

Having an experienced right hand man to watch me, make sure I'm doing my job and that the country is on the right track is a high priority for me and I can't think of a better person to be there making sure we are ontrack.

I'd also like to introduce my Chief of Staff ElmieJr.

A Legendary Force even in his own mind and long time member of the special forces I believe Elmie brings a nice mix to the team as not only an experienced long time fighter but his international connections.

Lastly I'd like to introduce the people I have chosen to fill in the direction of the NSC. The first will come as no suprise in Vanek26.

Vanek has filled this role well for many months now and it's really hard to take anything away from him for the fine job he has been doing. However to assist him in this role I have also asked the one and only SGTRock.

I believe SGTRock is well due a promotion and new experience such as this within the gov't and will add a strong new voice to the dept. This also brings me to my next point.

All too often it is easy and convenient to look at a list of names from previous govts and just fill roles with the same old players. While it does make life easier in some ways to do such I'd like to approach things from a different angle. Stagnation from filling roles repeatedly with the same players stifles growth and new ideas. Therefore I have not filled any other cabinet roles as of yet.

Do you think you have what it takes to tackle a job in cabinet but nobody has given you the chance? I'm willing to listen. I will be accepting applications for cabinet jobs from those that think it may be their time. Please PM me and do not expect an immediate response, I will read them over and put some research into it, make some consultations. However everyone will get due consideration.

Your goddess,