ADSP: The Options (and Other Stuff)

Day 462, 17:33 Published in Australia Australia by ADSP

**DISCLAIMER: This article is written in by the PP of the ADSP and will naturally contain bias. You've been warned**

**DISCLAIMER 2: I will not be responding to any comments by AW. I've tried reasoning/debating with him, but it's totally useless.**

It's that time of month again, and eAustralians everywhere will start heading to the polls in about six hours. So what I want to ask potential voters is this: Who do you want in power?

Let's look at the options:

ANP - This party is the only right-wing in the country, and if they get elected to a majority............. I think it'd be safe to say that we'd no longer have Medicare and/or Trainers, because they would've cut the funding to these programs by reducing the taxes. The taxes are at a very decent level to allow for maximum growth of both small business and the treasury.

AAA - Centrist. Nothing much to see here, this party is pretty much dead and only has one (currently) elected Congressmen who is not very active in Congress Discussion.

ACP - This party is new, and is formed of former ADSP members who didn't quite agree with some of the ADSP's more "Centre-Left" policies, they've yet to be given any Congressional power as this is their first election.

AIP - This party is also new, and was formed the same day as the ACP, it's policy is to "keep the bastards honest," however, I'd be cautious about voting them in, because every member has a different stance on each issue (not that that's a bad thing) - it will be hard to determine where they stand on every issue.

ADSP - This party is one of oldest in eAus, and the membership includes those such as corny-ratbag, Tecchi (MoD), Cottus Arci (CP), haugenmatt (DMoC), patti11 (MoI), and myself (DPM and MoC); most of whom have been around since before the independence of eAustralia. We would never do anything to harm this great country.

Some of the ADSP's policies have been somewhat controversial, but I would encourage voters to remember that it's always the minority who are the most vocal. The ADSP has always been voted into office because of what? our logo? no. Our proposed policies and platforms are what the people wanted, and that's what we gave them. It's a Democratic system here in eRepublik: Majority Rules.

Lets take a look at some figures
Under the leadership of the ADSP:

January 28 Combined EXP: 63,359
February 21 Combined EXP: 98,066

January 28 Population: 547
February 21 Population: 1,667

January 28 Exports: 11.27
February 21 Exports: 20.56

January 28 Imports: 0.00
February 21 Imports: 0.00

December 30 GDP Rank: 27th
February 21 GDP Rank: 11th (but we've been mostly inside the top 10 since Feb 13)

December 30 Overall Rank: 29th
February 21 Overall Rank: 21st
We're well above 22nd and very close to Pakistan (18th), Argentina (19th) & Germany (20th)

Do you honestly think that Australian would've grown like that if it had a "hands off" government-style?

And about the whole boycott issue, let's take a look at who owns what:

- Down Under Food was warned, and who raised such a fuss? Iwarrior1 - 1/3 who owns 1/3 of the company

- XGE Housing was warned, and who complained? Xaviar Griffith, Owner.

You should always consider the source.