Day 1,666, 06:17 Published in Slovakia Montenegro by montenegro90

I'm playing this game for more than a year. We are all the witnesses that economy and war modul are change as time passing by. Admins are trying to improve this game and change a lot of things so this game be interesting for those who play it for a long time.

But, what about writing news? What about journalism?

As we all know, we had a standard options: bold, italic, underline, options to put picture, to put a link and so on and so on...

But my opinios is that shoud be more options. Maybe admins should consider that they can give us more options like those we have in, for example, Microsoft Office.

By these options, I mean:

- Text Effects - visual effect to the selected text, such as a shadow, glow or reflection
- Font Colour - for emphasizing the most words in text
- Font - would be cool to have, for example, 20 different fonts
- Picture - we have option to put picture, but using the link; we should have option to uploud it from our computer
- Table - so many things could be represented in tables and it would be much clearer to readers to read and get the piont of the text

Also, it would be great if we could have option for templates so our newspapers would not be only black letters on white background.

After all, it would be great to change anything!

I have an objection for one more thing:

For last couple of months, we have in INTERNATIONAL NEWS only 5 pages of news from all around world. The problem is that we have more than one news from one country in international, like on photo below:

I think it is better to back it to old way, and allow people to see all TOP news from EVERY country, no metter how votes it has! In my opinion, this is demotivating journalists from smaller countries, because they can reach, for example, 200, 300 or more votes so that they can be on INTERNATIONAL NEWS.

These journalists are forced to by votes and subs for a lot of money and making their newspapers unnaturaly more popular. And of course, this is the way to the ones that can write good articles has a lot of votes and subs and I think this is bad for eJournalism.

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