Achievements and future goals for the mandate

Day 1,779, 19:37 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Lotus Black

As I mentioned in my candidature article, at the beginning of my term I laid out certain goals I wished to achieve, some of these I feel were quite successful while some were naturally neglected. I feel that its important to analyse your work, in order to improve upon them if given the chance, which is why my goals for the next mandate are based on them.

Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy

Due to the great work from previous governments, we have been able to maintain strong relations with CoT and our allies. During my mandate we have come to hold the Presidency of the CoT, which I find a great honor and a big obligation. Switzerland has yet to miss a single alliance meeting and we have continued to act as a reliable member. In the upcoming month, I see Switzerland letting other countries operate in a more visible role (fair play and all 😉 ) while still maintaining a strong presence in procedure and discussion.

Lugano treaty - the treaty with Macedonia (where we were finally able to secure a rent) stirred up a lot of mixed feelings among the Swiss people, so I would like to host a more public discussion where we can better judge your opinion and involve everyone in the policy that affects all of us. Although I’m opposed to the idea that any part of Switzerland should be under foreign occupation, I personally see the renting of the region as a beneficial proposal, still I am willing to explain my point of view to all of you and listen to your suggestions.

We have had some troubles with our Ambassador program and as it seems there will be a new Director of Embassies (DoE) again next month (regardless of who wins the election). I was hoping the DoE would have a longer mandate. So based on that idea I am preparing a concept of an Ambassadorial organisation which would only be linked to the government by the Minister of Home Affairs (MoHA), so it would be more self sufficient and less affected by the frequent elections dictated by game mechanics.

Home Affairs

Since the Constitution was passed, the Ministry of Home Affairs has had a more clear job description. We reduced the stress placed on the MoHA so he (or she) can focus more on the organizational aspect of the job. The ministry will now be in charge of monitoring compliance with the Constitution, organizing discussion and preparing improvements to the constitution in addition voting on new amendments, dealing with PTO threats and being the link between Congress, Party Presidents (PPs) and myself, the President.

To deal with this past month’s PTO threat we are working to secure the next month’s congressional elections by promoting trustworthy PPs and helping the parties draft their congressional election lists with at least 10 trustworthy members on them (even for the parties that are not currently in the top 5 so that we can prevent any last minute surprises).

To improve relations between the government and the parties I will move forward with the Swiss HQ via in game message, where the Party Presidents will be able to be involved in open discussion with the MoHA team, the vCP and myself.


Since the MUs showed no interest in the MoD Reform 2.0 or in any kind of government funding (some even decided to reply in an unprofessional manner), this time I will just refine the rules of conduct for the National MU, so they are written down and readily available for all to see.

Food Giveaways

I will continue working with SWIDAH (based on this agreement) as it has proven to been an effective and fast way to distribute food to those in need.

Education and Information

Educational and informational articles were very sparse this month, and I plan on seeing more of these articles in the upcoming month. To ensure this there will be an obligation for the ministers to prepare at least 1 short and 1 more extensive article per ministry per week.

Also as it was my goal in the previous month, both of the ministers will work together to prepare an information web with all the important information and tutorials.

The Ministry of Information will work with all the government branches to ensure the widest coverage of all government news and other important information from throughout Switzerland. In each information article there will be a section designated to both home and foreign affairs as well as a section designed for advice on everyday life.

Personal goals

I will work as hard as I have this past month to keep you informed about the government with my Coffee with the President series (I’ve made 6 extensive articles this mandate - day 1757, 1759, 1763, 1769, 1772, 1776 and I’m planing on making another one before my current term is up... or a bit after).

As usual I will be readily available to answer any questions and talk with players via IGMs or on IRC (as LotusBlack at #eSwitzerland on Rizon).

PS: Don't forget to check my proposed cabinet.

Sincerely yours,