A word with the FAMOUS candidate

Day 634, 05:58 Published in India India by MasterOfIgnorance

First of all I would like to wish a very Happy Independence Day to everyone....

secondly...Today is the Voting Day of the party Presidential election of the India United(IU)
party the selected candidate will replace "Shivendu SRJ" the current party President...

Well..This is the unedited and unchanged INTERVIEW of the most voted candidate yet.. i.e. 21 votes out of 41 votes casted till posting i.e. 65.85%
of the votes. i.e. "ArjaaAine"

Here It goes....

The Ignorant Journalist=> What would you tell us from ur real life..?

ArjaaAine =>
I am real Life Indian. I came to USA when I was 18. Going to celebrate my 21st birthday soon.
I am a computer Engineering student in a 4 yr college.
I work as a tutor on campus. I tutor Science and Maths.
I have a brother, and my father died when I was 2 yrs old. Since then mom's been supporting us.
MY target is to earn enough so that she can retire 🙂


The Ignorant Journalist=> What do you think is the most important and effective part of eIndia..?

ArjaaAine => I think it is our Unity and David Forde.
We have had some small bickerings, but eIndia is all very united and understanding, with young players doing incredible work and being more responsible than thousands of other elder players in other countries.
I think David Forde is to India what Renaissance was to Europe.
He is our biggest asset.
Heed these words.
NO matter what happens, NEVER LOOSE HIM.


The Ignorant Journalist => What is meaning of peace for U in eindia considering the importance of war in here..?

ArjaaAine => I give peace the highest importance right now. We are still a fledgling nation and peace to prosper. I wouldn't want to see eIndia in any war anytime soon.


The Ignorant Journalist => What would you like to tell us about ur plans if U get selected as party president which I wish U the best of Luck..?

ArjaaAine => Together with Maverick, (His Idea) I am planning to initiate a Party Manifesto. Not only that, we will have a set of goals and guidelines for our party. Which will involve making the party better organized. I personally intend to incorporate every active non politically affiliated citizen into the party.
I also want to choose the best 40 candidates from my party, to lead India to a better congress next term.


The Ignorant Journalist => What would u like to tell to our fellow eIndians..anything U would like to comment on..?

ArjaaAine => Be active and INVITE your friends to the game. Its really important that eIndia grows.
Me personally have mostly non-Indian friends, so I am bit short-handed in that. But I want everyone to invite all they can so India can have a baby-boom.
Also for everyone.
Trust your government. They mean nothing but the best for you!!


The Ignorant Journalist => why do you think the people should vote for you..?

ArjaaAine => Because I am strong, if you don't. I will come and kill you. hehe Jk.
I am one of the most experienced players in eIndia and have a lot of contacts.
I care for eIndia and *** Shail told to vote for me ***


Well this was Mr. ArjaaAine before the voting began....

And plzz comment ....for suggestions and whether U liked it..
And Happy Independence Day Once again..