A Weapon in Every Hand: Support the New Military Funding

Day 453, 21:18 Published in USA USA by One Eye

By now you've seen articles pillorying the new tax plan put forth by the Economic Council. The reason for the new tax plan is so we can fund our military. When was the last time you got a weapon from the QMG? It's been a while, huh? If you want guns, you need taxes. It's that simple.

The tax plan has a 25% income tax rate and a 1% VAT on all products, except weapons which get a 5% VAT. So it's a tax decrease and a tax increase. Look at gifts. The plan raises income tax 5% and lowers VAT by 14%. We're not talking about gigantic earth shaking changes. We're talking about an evolutionary change. Now look at income for a skill 3 employee. The best salary for a worker at a Q1 company is $10/day. In most industries that gets you $7.5/day real income. That's enough to buy food for 4 days. Now that employee would get $8 or $9 - enough for food for 4 or 5 days. What does this skill 3 worker get in return for his extra taxes? Oh, about 11 Q1 weapons per month, and 6 Alliances, and maybe a Q5 hospital and a Q5 defense system. Those 11 weapons alone cost about $110. That's the revenue from the worker for 44 days. So every young player will make out better under this plan than the current plan. They'll get more more ranks faster, live in a more secure country, have more battles, and more fun.

So, if all the young players do financially better under this plan who carries the burden? The more productive players do. Yes, the very congressional representatives and EC members who support this bill are the ones who will come out of it with less money in their pockets. And why would they vote against their own self interest like this? Because it's not against their self interest. We all want a strong country. We want the new players to be involved, get in the fight, join the NG, and rank up fast. We want the nation to finally have a kick-ass military. We're a country rich in new players. And the most cost effective way for us to do damage in war is to have those young players all have Q1 weapons in their hands. We can be truly awesome, but it takes money to do that.

That's what the proposal is all about: A weapon in every hand.