A warm welcome from eChina

Day 904, 11:46 Published in France China by hktwl

Bonjour! Je suis nouvellement nommé ambassadeur de eChina.
J'ai étudié le français pendant trois mois, pardonnez-moi je peux parler un peu français seulement.

Back to English channel~LOL~I learn French because i love French culture very much~
I love the beauty and messy in Paris, the calmness of river Seine, and also the French bread(both the E one and Real ONE😁)

So let me introduce eChina, eChina is a small country in term of population, we only have around 13000 people registered. And only 2000 of them are active user that will work and fight every day.
eChina is a political neutral country toward the strong divide between Eden and Phoenix. Though Eden has helped us a lot.

I understand eFrance has close relationship with Phoenix and sometime we may stand on different position. But i know there had never been direct conflict between eFrance and eChina, i hope that me as an cultural ambassador can continuously strength our relation and maybe one day, we will fight on the battlefield for the same side!

This is the current government of eChina:

President: wangxiaoyaII
Minister of Defense:mariohexu Deputy: CHaurora
Commander of CMC(eChina Mobile Corps): The Samurai
Minister of Foreign Affairs:Xenon Ng Deputy:Jin-Jang
Minister of Education:KeyFantasy
Minister of Welfare:EarlraE
Minister of Economy:John Chen
Minister of Technology:HTYS Deputy:Dominions
Minister of Information:MaxHoTo Deputy: Dandelion OU

The former official forum: http://echina.forums-free.com
The new official forum: http://bbs.178.com/forum-457-1.html

So if someone can tell me the IRC of eFrance or any other channel that i can find you?


hktwl from eChina
ambassadeur de eChina
eChina Foreign Affair Bureau