A Truly Infuriating Thing Happened To Me On The Way To The Forum Today

Day 1,497, 04:37 Published in Australia Australia by greenimp

WARNING: This article does not pertain to eRepublik in the slightest, except perhaps as an object lesson.

Before we begin, I would like to make as clear as possible that I do not have any problems with your personal beliefs, my dear friends. I happen to be Atheist, but I try very hard not to be a [bad word] about it.

Now, recently on the book of faces, I came across the following image:

Now, the person who posted it is an acquaintance of mine who could be termed a bit of an extremist. So, I asked him as politely as possible to take it down, as I found it quite offensive.

He refused and, well, I must admit, I saw red, and got fairly angry. The following few paragraphs contain my response, slightly edited so my proudly punctuating profanity is no longer present.

"It's a "you do or you don't" thing. It's a very ignorant way of looking at the world, "with us or against us".
I object to this kind of mentality, stop painting the world in stark shades of black and white, stop demeaning the human capacity to be many things, stop reducing something wonderful.

I am a human being, and I am not defined by one thing and one thing alone. I reject your god, your Allah, your Vishnu, your Yahweh, your Christ and your religion. But this does not mean I embrace your antiquated notion of evil; your Shaitan, your Lucifer, your devil or your Loki. I am more than a religious belief, I am greater than your binary world of yes or no. Stop trying to confine society, look outside your [bad word]ed-up world of do or don't and realise that there is a grey, a maybe, a sometimes and a possibly. There is always a third path, there is always another option, and you will not, can not confine me with your stupid world-view of will-full blindness and gleeful stupidity.

I am a human being, and don't you even [bad word]ing try to categorize me, damn you. Because a human being is a beautiful thing, filled with so much possibility and potential, and you would spit upon the blooming rose, you would stomp upon the newborn puppy, blinking in wonder at a new world ahead of it, simply because these do not conform to your bleak, Orwellian world of black and white.

I am a homo sapiens, and I am neither black nor white. I am grey, and don't you EVER [bad word]ing forget it."

I would like to stress again that I am not attacking you or your personal beliefs. As always, it's the extremist few that just ruin things for everyone else. I very rarely get angry, and I very rarely break into such enraged rants. I'm so infuriated by this, that I just had to write an article. As always, let me know what you think; criticism, praise, condemnation, threats of legal action, proposals, all are welcome.

'Till next time, peace and chicken grease.
