A Somewhat Sticky Interview

Day 941, 17:43 Published in USA USA by Fionia

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I first found out who Syrup was when he was a Congressman and I was Deputy Speaker of the House. He did something incredibly stupid, and I was none too pleased, but it got us talking. Since then, he's become one of my close friends (even if our friendship has been a bit rocky), and he is probably one of the people I trust most. He's going on a 1 month vacation starting tomorrow, so I thought it'd be nice to interview him before he left.

Just quickly, tell me what drew you to the game and what kept you here at first.

Well, I had an account back in around day 200 or so which lived until emerick's presidency (it eventually died since I neglected it, was only a 2 clicker). I was originally brought here by an ad on another website, and then later came back to start the game as Syrup.

How many parties have you been a part of?

On this account, I have been a party of: The APF, the USWP, the Libertarians, the UIP, (I was in the Federalist militia for awhile but not in the party), and a few small parties which I PTO'ed.

Why so many parties?

Well, I first started in the Libertarians, I left under the PP leadership of LifeSaverM and Oakden, because Jude Connors at the time was the PP of the USWP. I liked Jude for a variety of reasons, and the USWP was filled with more people that I knew/liked talking to such as Colin Lantrip, you, and max Mcfarland, that I decided to join them. The USWP was then basically merged, so I followed them to the APF; then, I left the APF for the UIP because I didn't like the style of leadership, and things were starting to fall apart. For instance Inwegen was always very totalitarian and a micromanager, since Jude's laidback style was the reason I joined, there wasn't a reason to stay anymore. I talk more or less daily with a group of members which was predominantly UIP, so I joined their ship. And now, I write newspaper articles for a variety of groups.

What inspired you to run for Congress?

I was around 20 days old when I first ran for Congress. There were 2 main reasons i ran for congress: the first being that Ligtreb and Devoid (the people I most looked up to back then) were in it, and I decided it would be fun to get involved in the political scene.

Now, the infamous Zoli incident. Explain your side of it.

Alright, Zoli was a Hungarian player for those readers who don't know. I talked with him alot over PM, and one day I noticed he had a citizen request up (note: I was around 1 month old at the time, and didn't understand the whole keeping citizenships safe thing, since I was alive when there was open citizenship and PTO's didn't seem to be that prevalent back then). Anyways, I approved it, mostly because I knew him, and partially because I thought it would at least be slightly funny to have one of the most notable Hungarian trolls with USA citizenship. However, people got really pissed off obviously, however I think the overreaction was slightly more than what was needed. I was blacklisted from pretty much everything, and it was a real pain to get reversed. In summary, I learned my lesson, but I thought the public outrage was slightly more than was called for.

You worked with both the old USWP and the APF. What was your opinion about the parties and the transition?

I only had Jude as the Party President of the USWP, and things were laidback, and i totally loved being in the party. I was also in the USWP on my old account, and that's when we were at least 98% dead people/zombies. Either way, it was a great time, and I enjoyed it, the leadership all seemed to get along, and we had a great time. In the APF it seemed like it became alot more competitive between individuals to see who could get to the top of the chain, and that's what caused me to leave eventually.

Who has helped you the most and who will you remember the most?

The person that has helped me the most in this game is probably Jude Connors, especially back in the days of being a young player. However I am thankful for many players' help such as Max Mcfarland, Krems, Pheno Sony, the list goes on and on. The person I think had the largest impression on me was Max mcfarland 2, he always is in the headlines one way or another, and I admire his way of doing things.

You've gotten a reputation for not being very smart or trustworthy. What do you have to say to people who think that?

Well, I can't say it wasn't self earned. The trustworthy flaws come from at least in part from the Zoli incident I imagine. And telling everyone I am 12 and a half probably doesn't bolster my intellegence in the eyes of the public, but they are entitled to think whatever they want. Plus, it lowers the bar in terms of expectations, which is also helpful at times.

Tell me about one incident (besides the Zoli incident) that stands out the most in your eLife.

I 'll do both a negative incident and a positive one. The other negative incident I have had is probably being fired from my APF Elections position for using my personal voters to snipe in the Libertarian candidate Robert Grosseteste over the APF preferred candidate, either that or merging the USWP with the APF. The most notable positive incident would be winning my first Congressional election 28-26, or working for the ERX/T'jelle, that was quite fun.

So you have 200 orgs. Why?

There are a few reasons, the most important one being was that I constantly noticed foreign propaganda in our media, so I set about creating these orgs to vote up friendly domestic articles to push them out of the Top 5, and also to be able to vote our propaganda up in enemy countries. The way I saw it was pretty much anyone can be a battle hero, and those that do, usually are lost in a sea of names. However, being able to conquer the Media Module brings much more attention to both an induvidual, and a nation's power as a whole. As of right now, I am working with the eUS Secretary of Media to see which articles I should vote up, and I might be selling 1 spot in the Top 5 every other day in the near future (message me if interested I guess.)

That's all for tonight, guys. Thanks for reading, voting, and subscribing. On a side note, tomorrow, I'm graduating high school. 😃 I'm very excited, although it might mean I will be offline for a few days while I get my new laptop set up.

Signing off,