A Response to a Response to the Hospital Issue.

Day 790, 13:39 Published in USA USA by system0101
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This was the eUS before the great invasion. We had 47 hospitals, including 3 Q5s and several Q3/Q4's. What isn't being discussed is the fact that our retention rate with a hospital in nearly every state was worse than it is today. In addition, we lost thousands of gold in infrastructure when we were invaded and reduced to one state.

The reason we had 47 hospitals was because people kept pushing the issue, and they thought we were invincible since we hadn't been invaded.

The reason why we were able to turn around the Great Invasion was because we kept all of our wars open, so we were able to retaliate.

The reason why this was possible was because we had 9000 people in Florida, which would have cost something to the effect of 2300 gold to attack and double that just to tank the wall to zero over our 2-clicker resistance.

This is the Fortress Strategy.

Yet now that we've been on the offensive for a month or two and everyone seems to forget the fact that we were on the ropes, ready to bow out. And our fortress saved our country.

We won't be on top forever. This is very cyclical. In a month or two, Phoenix will be exacting revenge for events happening today, just as we are exacting revenge for events that happened two months ago.

This hospital debate has nothing to do with retention. The spread between our base retention and what we could get with a handful of Q2's is minuscule.

This hospital debate is about what saved our nation from ourselves, and what continues to make us an undefeatable force here and abroad.

At this point, all I can say to Aeros is: I like ur style, but ur doing it rong.

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