A question to the Minister - Day One

Day 790, 08:16 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux

In Real Life, Members of the Parliament or Congressmen or Members of the Senate/House of Representatives - depending where you are, would be able to post some questions to the presiding government and its ministers with regards to the goings of the government. It is the duty of the Congressmen, regardless of their political party affliations to do their due diligence, in analysing the performance of the government. The Congress should be the check and balance for the democratic government, with the non-existing judiciary (admin!) as the third arm government.

As the Congressional election is looming, perhaps it is worth to exercise my democratic right as the Congressman for Peninsular Malaysia. Perhaps it may be worth to start asking questions again. I shall keep doing this every day - till the Congressional election. Today, i shall start of with a very simple question/topic to...

The Minister of the Social Affairs and Education (MoSAE)
Can the Minister of the Social Affairs and Education (MoSAE) release the figures and statistics on the operation of the Social Office of eMalaysia in the past 7 days, considering the grimming wellness and education state of eMalaysia (see below)?

Lopici's statistics have revealed that we have about 46 very unhealthy newbies. Our population has dropped from 2060 at its peak on the 8th of Jan to 1895 as I am writing this article. More grimming are the statistics from the eGovt website.

Of 1979 citizens, we have 330 dying (less then 10 wellness), 620 unhealthy (less than 40 wellness and therefore cannot participate in training war/hospital), 644 "healthy" (between 40 and 90 wellness) and only 377 excellent (above 90wellness, most efficient for productivity) citizens. In simple statistics, we have nearly 50% dying or needing help citizens!

Of 1979 citizens, we have 1442 Privates and 1317 citizens with less than 5 strength.

To me, these numbers and statistics tell me of one thing: our Social and Education programmes are not working - despite the hardworking nanny team led by ww88, suhaimiz and co. Our babies and our not-so-babies are dying. Our soldiers are not trained up and our citizens are not finding this place exciting/enjoyable.

So, my dear government, congress and ministers - what's your thought on this?

ps: I used to work in the Social Office under the super diligent SetsunaX. So i sort- of understand the difficulty working in such environment. Don't take my questions/critique badly, as I am merely pointing out the numbers. Let's find a way to solve this problem for eMalaysia.

Your humble servant,
Carr de Vaux
DAP Congressman for Peninsular Malaysia

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