Day 1,187, 01:59 Published in Greece Greece by Alexandros252

I saw some articles of Hungary, Poland and Spain thanking us for the battle of Brazil. The answers were given in an article of Nikolaos Sklhros and it represents 100% true of our behavior there. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/dear-croatian-brothers-we-stand-strong-next-to-you-1683179/1/20.
The fact is that we will never betray our allies of Eden especially Croatia, Rumania and Bulgaria.
But this article is not for them only. This article is for our former allies Spain and Poland because we don’t want to forget the battles we gave together and also for Slovenians, Hungarians, Serbians and the rest of Eden allies. My wish is to read this article as more European Countries as possible it is.
So Friends and enemies in the battles of e- world after almost half year in this game i still wonder why you never discussed a union between European countries. A European alliance that no one will stand in its way.
I know you will say that this country betrayed us and that country is not reliable but let’s think if these actions are made of actions in e-world or from actions in rl-world. I say this because you often accuse Greece for rl thoughts about fyrom and turkey.
So let’s analyze the battles of e-world in real life facts.
Usa vs Serbia. If i remember well Serbia was under attack in the Yugoslavian civil war by Usa. In fact American troops were the reason that now exist the rest countries of former Yugoslavia so I understand pretty well why always they will fight the one against the other even in e-world.
Serbia vs Croatia. Same events of the Yugoslavian civil war make them enemies here too.
Hungary vs Romania. It’s well known of the minorities of Hungarians in Romania and Serbia. And of course the minorities of Romania in Hungary and Moldova.
I know why allies of Romania fight against Hungary always and want to erase Moldova of the map.
Ukraine vs Russia. It is well known that Russia never will accept countries that believe them as rebels Russians and nothing else. Examples are Belarus and Ukraine.
Italy vs France-Slovenia. In this case is well known also about the minorities of Slovenians in Italy and Italians in Slovenia. France always wanted Sardinia and Italy always wanted Corsica as well.
Spain vs Latin America. Country of Spain seems to me that find it difficult to forget the rebellion of Simon Bolívar and the independence of Latin America.
Poland vs the rest of northern Europe. Seem to me that friends of Poland never forget of the medieval Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. The largest Polish state in their history. About the wars with Russians and Germans everybody can see the movie of Katin and understand a little history.
I could write more but these are enough I think to understand everyone that its not only Greece fights for so called rl thoughts and actions in e world.
On our side the facts after the actions of our enemies in game are simple. We will never accept turkey in same alliance cause they betrayed us and conquer us in the beginning of the game, cause they attacked the independent state of Cyprus and conquer it and cause they broke the first deal for peace. We will protect Cyprus and we will always consider as Greek ground until they will make a very strong baby boom. And you know all what population demands this.
As for fyrom no deal until the admins and the fyromians learn to respect history and end the maps in their accounts about united Macedonia. I am Macedonian , I am Greek. I live in Macedonia and I can understand ancient writings as my language. Can they? So the deal is for everyone for the time being call them as fyrom which is their U.N name and maybe we will have a deal with them too.
These are the facts about Greek side. But I wonder for the rest of you. Did you ever thought to discuss your matters like this?
We can discuss and discuss and keep our original regions making a European alliance. It’s plenty of room for all of us to conquer in the rest of the world.
Think about it. Asia, Africa, middles east, and America is ours to conquer.
If you think to report this article just proves the words I just said. Thank you in advance